随着美国环境保护局(EPA)的发展,以减少现有发电厂的排放(将于2015年6月最终确定)的标准,许多州正在考虑如何遵守它们。WRI的情况说明书系列,Power Sector Opportunities for Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions,审查各种州可以使用的政策和途径来实现成本效益,甚至超过未来的发电厂排放标准。这篇文章在密苏里州探索了这些机会。阅读其他分析在这个系列中。

New WRI analysis发现密苏里州可以降低其发电率(发电的碳强度),低于2020年的2012%水平,而2030年则低于2012%的水平。Missouri can achieve these reductions by taking advantage of available infrastructure and expanding its clean energy policies. This would put Missouri on a path to meet, and even exceed, EPA’s proposed standards for existing power plants in the state.


Missouri’s power sector CO2 emissionsfell3 percent between 2005 and 2012 as coal use decreased slightly and generation from renewable sources doubled. Still, renewable sources accounted foronly 2 percent在2012年的总发电中,煤炭占发电量的79%,而核天然气和天然气来源分别占12%和7%。

Electricity demand in Missouri is projected to grow 12 percent between 2012 and 2030. If the state meets this growth as anticipated through increased coal and natural gas use, rather than renewable sources, emissions couldrise12 percent in the same time frame.


As we discussed in ablog post6月,EPA的清洁能源计划在州如何遵守其标准方面提供了广泛的灵活性。各州可以使用许多策略来降低其二氧化碳排放率,包括更多使用天然气和可再生能源,提高能源效率等。

Missouri can meet about 70 percent of EPA’s emission rate target for the state between 2020 and 2030 with the following measures:

  • 提高能源效率
    Missouri’s活力Efficiency Investment Act呼吁该州的投资者拥有的公用事业捕获所有具有成本效益的能源效率的机会,并建立了到2020年累计节省近10%的自愿目标Meeting this goal can help the state reduce its emission rate.

  • Increasing use of renewable energyMissouri’sRenewable Energy Standard (RES)其投资者拥有的公用事业公司出售的电力中有15%到2021年都来自可再生资源。通过州内生成与RES达到RES可以帮助该州降低其排放率。

  • Using more combined heat and power (CHP).密苏里州可以在大学,医院和制造设施等网站上建造更多的CHP系统(使用废热来发电更有效地发电。

  • 使用更多的气体。密苏里州最有效的天然气厂(NGCC)单位(NGCC)单位比2012年生产的电力少得多运行现有和计划的NGCC工厂为75%可以帮助该州实现其排放率目标。

  • Increasing existing coal plant efficiency by 2.5 percent。现有的燃煤电厂可以通过升级设备并进行其他运营改进来节省能源。


  • Increasing its energy efficiency goal to 2 percent of sales from 2015 onward.

  • 确保所有公用事业(不仅是投资者拥有的公用事业)符合该州的可再生能源标准,并在2030年之前继续将可再生能源发电量增加到总发电量的20%。

Missouri’s Clean Energy Policies Are Smart Economic Policies

Ameren Missouri, the state’s largest utility, estimated that reducing electricity use 10 percent by 2020 (the state’s voluntary goal) and 11 percent by 2030 coulddeliver$1.7 billion in net benefits for the state through 2030. And even greater state-wide savings could be possible with additional measures. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economyestimated实施一套新的效率计划,包括公用事业计划和建筑法规,可以节省密苏里州的消费者61亿美元的较低能源账单,并可能创造超过8,500个新工作。

Scaling up renewables can also boost the economy and create local jobs. The state’s renewable energy standard could创建up to nearly 30,000 jobs and more than $1 billion in new income to state residents by 2021. The American Wind Energy Associationestimatedthat as of 2011, Missouri’s wind industry had generated $2.6 million in annual property tax payments and over $1 million in lease payments to landowners. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, the state could获得$15 million in property tax revenue and $75 million per year in economic benefits through deployment of 25 moderately sized wind farms (100 MW), an 80 percent increase in capacity over 2012 levels.

Missouri Can Build Off Progress Made to Date

Missouri has taken steps to increase investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency. By building on its progress, Missouri can achieve cost-effective emissions reductions going forward while bringing economic benefits to the state. By taking advantage of available infrastructure and expanding its clean energy policies, Missouri can put itself in a good position to comply with EPA’s proposed standards for existing power plants and help prevent the worsening impacts of climate change.