沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet)曾经说过:“在危机时期,现金与勇气相结合是无价的。”温度升高极端天气和其他气候事件必威官网是真的吗more likely, threatening to throw communities around the world into an economic and social crisis within this century. So will those with the “cash”—the institutional investors who own an estimated$70 trillion in capital- 有勇气回应吗?

WRI,与2° Investing InitiativeandUNEP财务倡议(UNEP-FI),希望为投资者提供他们所需的工具,以帮助解决气候变化挑战。必威官网是真的吗我们的Portfolio Carbon Initiative正在开发资源来帮助金融机构为气候变化解决方案(“气候友善”)贡献,并管理其投资组合中与气候相关的金融风险(“碳资产风险”)。必威官网是真的吗我们的出版草案必威官网是真的吗气候策略和指标, discusses the various strategies that institutional investors can pursue to help finance the transition to a low-carbon economy.

3 Activities to Improve Climate Friendliness

We define climate friendliness as the intent of an investor to contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and the transition to a low-carbon economy through investment activities. Investors can make many types of investment decisions to increase the climate friendliness of their portfolios.

例如,投资者可以通过通过投资组合对不同部门,公司或技术的接触来修改。purchasing more bonds for green projects, such as renewable energy facilities or low-carbon building retrofits. This can propagate low-carbon technologies and support the growth of the low-carbon economy over time. A good example is the growing U.S. solar industry, whichadded 31,000 jobs in 2015

Investors can also avoid financing carbon-intensive assets like coal fields, coal mines, oil fields and refineries.撤资是最近引起了足够关注的策略。对于单个机构投资者而言,撤资对实际经济的影响可能受到限制 - 对于每个踏上高碳资产的投资者,又可能会介入。但是,撤资可以通过向政策制定者和其他投资者,可以为低碳技术创造更多的机会和投资流程,并且资产志趣相投的投资者可以提高成本并限制碳密集型投资者的资本可用性。

机构投资者的另一种重要方法涉及leveraging influence rather than capital。投资者可以选择直接吸引投资者,以影响资本对低碳技术的分配或促进气候友好的实践。必威官网是真的吗例如,BP最近同意对股东后的气候影响更加透明必威官网是真的吗put pressure on the fossil fuels group。尽管该策略可能会影响排放,但投资者的管理层或大多数股东必须支持该战略才能成功。


Investors Are Starting to Respond

少数投资者已经开始应对气候变化挑战。必威官网是真的吗34位代表1.4万亿美元的资产的投资者注册到该资产蒙特利尔的承诺, an initiative led by PRI that asks investors to commit to measure and disclose the carbon footprint of their portfolios. Five asset owners have joined the投资组合脱碳联盟(PDC),由CDP和UNEP-FI领导,该公司要求投资者承诺脱碳1000亿美元。PDC广泛将“投资组合脱碳化”定义为任何类型的系统投资者行动,符合气候变化目标,包括与投资者的参与以及修改投资组合的构成。必威官网是真的吗

尽管投资者气候行动仍然很小,但最必威官网是真的吗近的誓言平台和growing popularity of green bondsindicate an appetite for sustainable investment opportunities. By providing resources for investors that increase their understanding of their impact on the transition to the low-carbon economy, we hope to expedite this trend.