去年,我们在多个国家 /地区度过了一段时间,包括哥伦比亚,菲律宾,斐济,纳米比亚,加纳,赞比亚和贝宁,他们试图了解他们如何更好地定位自己以减轻和适应气候变化的资金(请参阅方框2)。必威官网是真的吗这些国家已经在计划,政策和项目中取得了长足的进步,以应对气候变化。必威官网是真的吗但是,如果他们要向气候兼容的发展进行基本转变,则需要更大的规模获得资金。必威官网是真的吗为了动员这项资金,他们需要有一定的能力条件 - 通常称为“准备”—in place.

Readiness is a hot topic for the newly established绿色气候基金必威官网是真的吗(GCF), as it heads towards its 6th Board meeting in Bali, Indonesia next week (See Box 2). At the meeting, the Board is expected to make a decision on what the GCF’s readiness program will look like. It will likely be narrow in focus, which makes sense based on its limited funding and timeframe. Yet as the GCF moves forward, it is important to remember countries’ broader readiness needs and to be flexible in finding the right institutions to channel funds in the short term.


Developing countries like the seven listed above face a number of类似的挑战和准备需求。例如:

  • 协调在气候变化问题上工作的许多参与者和机构,并提高了它们之间的信息质量和流动。必威官网是真的吗
  • Developing激励对气候友好部门的投资的政策。必威官网是真的吗
  • Trainingpeople in government, civil society and the private sector to understand and engage on climate issues.
  • 注意动向气候资金如何流动的地方。必威官网是真的吗
  • 强化机构的财务管理能力满足国际资金的问责制要求。

Overcoming these challenges can take many years of sustained effort, and should not condition investment in full scale projects and programs. But as以前的WRI工作已经证明了这类障碍可以unlock climate investmenton a larger scale.


Readiness support is not new, and many countries are already receiving such support in one form or another. WRI has engaged in a number of readiness-related initiatives in the past year:

  • UNDP, UNEP and WRI are engaged on a program, funded by the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, to support countries to access and deploy GCF funding. We visited Colombia, Fiji, Ghana and Benin in initial scoping missions last year.
  • WRI supported the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the Africa Climate Finance Hub and GIZ to conduct a纳米比亚的准备需求评估去年,德国经济合作与发展部的资助。
  • WRI正在与Oxfam和ODI合作适应金融问责制倡议, which works with civil society partners in four countries to strengthen capacities for tracking funding for adaptation. We visited the Philippines and Zambia for initial scoping missions last year.

Readiness in the Green Climate Fund

预计GCF将成为向发展中国家进行资助的主要工具,以进行气候变化的适应和缓解。必威官网是真的吗在一个decision at its last meeting, it recognized the importance of supporting countries to achieve “readiness,” and it has set aside an initial $30 million for this purpose.


  • Preparing a framework to align GCF support with the strategic priorities of the country (for example, drawing on existing adaptation and mitigation plans);
  • Identifying a national agency to coordinate country engagement with the GCF, one that will ensure consultations with all stakeholders;
  • 识别和准备机构(例如部委,非政府组织,发展银行或其他机构),以满足GCF关于财务管理以及环境和社会保障措施的要求,从而允许direct accessto the Fund;
  • 立即开始进行项目或计划提案,以便一旦完全运行,就可以将其迅速提交给GCF以进行资金。


Box 2: Everyone’s talking about readiness


  • GCF的亚太地区对话(2月14日至15日在新加坡举行)是一项年度活动,该活动将包括GCF董事会成员在内的该地区的不同利益相关者汇集在一起​​,讨论GCF的关键问题。今年,第一天将重点放在气候融资上。必威官网是真的吗

  • A workshop on the GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support,(2月17日在印度尼西亚巴厘岛)为各种利益相关者和GCF董事会成员提供了一个平台,以讨论GCF准备工作的工作计划。



If it is to be transformational in putting countries on a low carbon, climate resilient development path, the GCF will need to fund projects and programs that create readiness through its main funding windows too. Such activities may include preparing a new national policy or law on climate change; strengthening the know-how of small businesses or local banks to prepare and finance clean energy projects; or launching a public awareness campaign about the benefits of energy efficiency.



Creating the enabling conditions to mobilize funding on a large scale and to move countries onto a low-carbon, climate resilient development path will not happen overnight. It takes years of sustained investment and effort on the part of developing countries and international funders. Developing countries need to be in the drivers’ seat in making this transformation happen. By supporting readiness in a country-driven, coordinated and holistic manner, the GCF can play a pivotal role in supporting developing countries to achieve their climate ambitions.