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(http://sgp.undp.org/web/projects/11284/replanting_of_the_degraded_vaiusu_bay_to_improve_the_mangrove_ecosystem_biodiversity_for_food_securi.html)Matafa village is conserving nearby mangroves to safeguard biodiversity, provide income, and protect the village from storm surges. (http://sgp.undp.org/web/projects/11280/conservation_of_the_last_standing_mangrove_ecosystem_in_matafaa_village_for_its_biodiversity_and_cul.html)Lepa - Komiti Tumama is helping the village of Lepa store clean drinking water for use during floods. (http://sgp.undp.org/web/projects/11292/restoration_of_the_lepa_village_natural_spring_and_development_of_water_catchment_for_village_drinki.html) Resources; Planning; EmpowermentVailoa Palauli - Komiti a Tina ma Tamaitai is helping the village of Vailoa Palauli store clean drinking water in the face of climatic variation. (http://sgp.undp.org/web/projects/11288/upgrading_coastal_spring_for_the_village_of_vailoa_palauli.html)Senegal\Water Shortages; Drought and Aridity; Decrease of Crop Yields; Land Degradation/Soil ErosionEnvironnement et developpement du tiers monde helps farmers set up agroforestry up co-ops, reducing erosion and improving food security in the face of droughts. (http://www.cckn.net/pdf/seeing_the_light_dre.pdf)Empowerment; InfrastructureEnergy, AgricultureThe German/ Senegalese Photovoltaic Solar Energy Project installs solar energy in remote villages for use in homes and farming operations, helping residents cope with water shortage. (http://www.cckn.net/pdf/seeing_the_light_dre.pdf) South Africa#Agriculture; Empowerment; Awareness(Decrease of Crop Yields; Water ShortagesSouthSouthNorth and Indigo Development and Change are helping farmers adapt their practices to anticipated climate change (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/country_home.asp?country_id=11#159 z Awareness; ResourcesThe Climate for Water project aims to improve climate prediction tools from a water resources perspective. (http://www.c4w.org.za/c4w/custom/com/c4w/home/index.jsp) South Asia"Confronting Climate Change Impacts)Glacial Lake Outburst Floodings; FloodingThe International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development is developing a database and early warning system for glacial lake outburst floods. (http://www.sdc.admin.ch/en/Home/Projects/Floods_from_the_Roof_of_the_World) Sri LankaPangu, a traditional system of cooperative irrigation reservoir maintenance, helps ensure water availability in times of drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=152):Coastal Inundation or Erosion; Damage to Human SettlementsSri Lanka is protecting itself from sea level rise and storms by restoring coastal ecosystems. (http://www.gefonline.org/projectDetails.cfm?projID=2753)Sudan1Resources; Agriculture; Empowerment; InstitutionsThe Community-Based Rangeland Rehabilitation (CBRR) for Carbon Sequestration project helps communities in Bara province manage farms and forests and prepare for drought. (http://www.aiaccproject.org/working_papers/Working%20Papers/AIACC_WP42_Osman.pdf)Resources; AgricultureIn the name of food security and enhanced livelihoods, SOS Sahel is improving water management, agricultural practices for farming in arid areas, credit, and literacy. (http://www.aiaccproject.org/working_papers/Working%20Papers/AIACC_WP42_Osman.pdf)Intermediate Technology Development Group supports community-developed water conservation and agricultural practices that help cope with drought and warming. (http://www.aiaccproject.org/working_papers/Working%20Papers/AIACC_WP42_Osman.pdf)SurinamePolicy; Planning; InstitutionsSeveral ministries are conducting studies to develop committees and reports on climate change impacts and adaptation needs and options in the coastal zone. (http://www.nlcap.net/fileadmin/NCAP/Countries/Suriname/NCAP_workplan_Suriname_summary.01.300106.pdf) Tajikistan#Resources; Technology; Institutions_Drought and Aridity; Land Degradation/Soil Erosion; Landslides; Glacial Lake Outburst FloodingsCARE teaches households to extend the vegetable growing season by using cold frames and to plant trees on hillsides to stabilize land in the face of glacial melting (www.seepnetwork.org/files/4674_file_SEEP_CARE_Tajikistan_.ppt) Technology; Institutions; Policy%Disaster-risk management; Agriculture:Water Shortages; Flooding; Drought and Aridity; LandslidesOxfam is addressing the water provision problems associated with droughts and flooding by introducing new technologies, promoting new crops, and launching a disaster preparedness program. (http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_we_do/issues/climate_change/story_tajik.htm)TanzaniaThe Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism is reviving a traditional soil conservation practice known as nigtili to cope with droughts. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=117)lt&Infrastructure; Resources; Empowerment0Water Shortages; Spread of Vector-Borne DiseasesSouthSouthNorth and local partners are addressing groudwater salinization by testing wellwater and drilling new wells in agricultural areas. (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/country_home.asp?country_id=11#146) Agriculture; Resources 9Drought and Aridity; Decline in Productivity of Fisheries#Several organizations are collaborating to solve problems of overfishing and potable water shortages in Lake Victoria and will explore aquaculture as a reduction in vulnerability to climate change. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=297&kbid=5)"Resources; Awaren< ess; InstitutionsThe Mwasha Water User Group is training communities in water management and irrigation to combat water shortages. (http://sgp.undp.org/web/projects/11331/formation_of_water_user_association_and_river_namwi_catchments_for_sustainable_irrigation_at_mwasha_.htmlTechnology; PlanningLists of countries within each region can be found in our online data base. It should be noted that out regional designations have been slightly modified since publication of Weathering the Storm: Five cases previously categorized in the Latin America region have been transfered to the Small Island Developing States region. For this reason, the data presented here differ from the presentation of reigonal data in Figure 1 of Weathering the Storm.LTanzania is preparing for climate change impacts on the Pangani River by improving technical knoweldge and watershed management. (http://www.gefweb.org/Documents/Medium-Sized_Project_Proposals/MSP_Proposals/documents/Tanzania-PanganiMainstreaming.pdf)Institutions; Resources; PolicyThe Water Sector Support Project is strengthening institutions for integrated water resources management and broadening access to water supply and sanitation. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P087154)ThailandIn a case of autonomous adaptation, communities in the Lower Songkram River Basin modify their fishing gear and their rice-growing strategies to conform to climate changes such as flooding and drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=77)Thailand's community mangrove reforestation projects help protect the coast from storms. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=154)Trinidad and TobagoThe Red Cross is developing booklets, posters, a website and kids' clubs to raise awareness among children of the risks associated with climate change. (http://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/File/latin_america/Trinidad%20and%20Tobago.pdf)TunisiaPolicy; AwarenesszGTZ helped Tunisia develop a National Adaptation Strategy. (http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/en-climate-results-maghreb.pdf)TuvaluPolicy%Flooding; Damage to Human SettlementsThe Pacific Access Category allows 75 Tuvalu citizens to migrate to New Zealand each year as a way to cope with sea level rise. (http://www.foe.org.au/resources/publications/climate-justice/CitizensGuide.pdf)UgandaHDecline in Productivity of Livestock and/or Poultry; Drought and AridityThe Karamoja Agropastoral Development Programme provides women with crossbred goats and instruction in graze-free feeding to improve goat survival during droughts. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=35) "Technology; Awareness; AgricultureThe Radio and Internet Project enhances collection and dissemination of early warning and climate information at the local level through radio and internet. (http://www.acts.or.ke/pubs/monographs/pubs/ecopolicy15.pdf)VietnamAwareness; Resources; Planning*Disaster-risk management;Coastal resourcesYLand Degradation/Soil Erosion; Drought and Aridity; Flooding; Damage to Human SettlementsThe Red Cross has integrated a climate change and adaptation unit into its disaster preparedness training modules and is focusing on mangrove restoration as a cyclone-protection strategy. (http://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/File/asia_and_pacific/Vietnam%20February%202007.pdf)5Planning; Awareness; Technology; Institutions; Policy.Damage to Human Settlements; Biodiversity LossThe Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology is using water modeling and stakeholder discussions to develop adaptation plans addressing biodiversity loss. (http://www.nlcap.net/countries/vietnam/)YemenAgriculture; EmpowermentYemen is increasing the adaptive capacity of rural communities through conservation of agrobiodiversity and traditional knowledge. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P103922&Resources; Insitution-building; PolicyThe Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Programme in Yemen focuses on social-based adaptation to climate change, especially the water use planning. (http://www.nlcap.net/fileadmin/NCAP/Countries/Yemen/NCAP_workplan_Yemen_summary.01.300106.pdf)ZimbabweCWater Shortages; Land Degradation/Soil Erosion; Drought and AridityThe ISSD and Zimbabwe ENDA Community Drought Mitigation project helps farmers improve water-use efficiency and decrease runoff as a way of coping with droughts. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=120)&Planning; Agriculture; MEWS; ResourcesZimbabwe is promoting sustainable livelihoods in the face of drought, enhancing use of early warning systems, and developing community drought preparedness plans. (http://www.undp.org/gef/adaptation/docs/CwD2/CwD_MSP_Zim_PAC2.ppt)Energy; Water resourcesqWater Shortages; Decrease of Crop Yields; Spread of Vector-Borne Diseases; Biodiversity Loss; Drought and AridityZERO (an NGO) installed wind power for home use and irrigation pumps, helping rural villages cope with water shortage. (http://www.cckn.net/pdf/seeing_the_light_dre.pdf)M135 Examples of Adaptation to Climate Change from around the Developing WorldKey to Abbreviations:Regions: ESEA = East and Southeast Asia; LAM = Latin America; MENA = Middle East and North Africa; SCA = South and Central Asia; SSA = Sub-Saharan Africa; SIDS = Small Island Developing States; MULTI = Multiple RegionsStrategies: Agriculture = Changing Agricultural Practices; Awareness = Raising Awareness; Empowerment = Empowering People; Infrastructure = Improving Infrastructure; Institutions = Building Institutions; Insurance = Providing Insurance Mechanisms; MEWS = Establishing Monitoring/Early Warning Systems; Planning = Launching Planning Processes; Policy = Promoting Policy Change; Resources = Changing Natural Resource Management Practices; Technology = Promoting Technology Change; Other = Other Strategies   Case NumberRegionCountry ObjectiveImpactsGeographic ScaleSettlement TypeCase Description and LinkSCA AfghanistanBuilding Response Capacity AwarenessDisaster-risk managementSerendipitous AdaptationNationalBoth Urban and RuralTearFund integrates disaster risk and reduction messages into the story lines of a radio program to raise community awareness. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation_planning/adaptation_list.pl?id_country=1&id_org=&id_level=&id_scope=&id_type=)LAM Argentina Institutions'Climate-Proofing of Development EffortsN/AThe Red Cross is strengthening its institutions for disaster prevention in response to climate change and is linking with universities to develop disaster management work plans. (http://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/File/articles/Argentine%20Red%20Cross.pdf) Addressing Vulnerability Drivers EmpowermentEnergyyDamage to Human Settlements; Decline in Productivity of Fisheries; Decrease of Crop Yields; Flooding; Drought and Aridity CommunityRuralArgentina's rural electrification project grants scattered communities access to the technological and educational benefits of electricity, helping them become resilient to floods, droughts, and crop loss. (http://www.cckn.net/pdf/seeing_the_light_dre.pdf) BangladeshClimate Risk Management"Technology; Agriculture; Resources Agriculture>Decrease of Crop Yields; Flooding; Damage to Human SettlementsIn a case of autonomous adaptation, communities recover from floods by draining fields, planting late-transplant rice or switching to other, faster-growing, crops. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=160)=Addressing Vulnerability Drivers; Building Response Capacity /Agriculture; Resources; Technology; Empowerment AgricultureDiscrete AdaptationWater Shortages; Landslides; Decrease of Crop Yields; Decline in Productivity of Livestock and/or Poultry; Drought and Ari< dity; FloodingEl Nio Emergency ProjectSouthSouthNorth and the Society for Wetland Eco-Research are implementing several measures (e.g., crop diversification, disaster preparedness) targetting the threat of sea level rise and storms. (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/country_home.asp?country_id=11#112)#Agriculture; Institutions; PlanningcDrought and Aridity; Water Shortages; Decrease of Crop Yields; Decline in Productivity of Fisheries SubnationalFAO and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre developed a good practice adaptation option menu, evaluating and field testing locally selected options with farmers. (http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/a0820e/a0820e00.htm)<Addressing Vulnerability Drivers; Building Response Capacity-Resources; Empowerment; Planning; AgricultureCoastal resourcesCoastal Inundation or Erosion; Damage to Human Settlements; Water Shortages; Decrease of Crop Yields; Decline in Productivity of Livestock and/or Poultry; FloodingSouthSouthNorth and partners are implementing a suite of adaptation measures (e.g., agricultural diversification, aquaculture promotion, disaster risk reduction) in coastal areas to deal with sea level rise and storms. (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/country_home.asp?country_id=11#113))Planning; Awareness; Institutions; Policy'Coastal Inundation or Erosion; FloodingThe Minsitry of the Environment is undertaking an analysis of and planning process for the coastal zone. (http://www.nlcap.net/countries/bangladesh/)*Awareness; Institutions; MEWS; Empowerment>Spread of Vector-Borne Diseases; Coastal Inundation or ErosionBangladesh's Comprehensive Disaster Management Program is incorporating risk-assessment-and-reduction into its scope of activities to better deal with floods, droughts, and storms. (http://www.cdmp.org.bd/)MEWShBiodiversity Loss; Decrease of Crop Yields; Land Degradation/Soil Erosion; Drought and Aridity; FloodingCARE Bangladesh is working to increase adaptive capacity in southwestern Bangladesh through climate change related information collection and dissemination. (http://www.cdpbd.org/rvcc_home.html)Technology; Resources$Decline in Productivity of FisheriesThe Intermediate Technology Development Group-Bangladesh introduced flood-friendly fisheries technologies. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=36)Institutions; MEWS%Damage to Human Settlements; FloodingThe Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Cyclone Preparedness Programme engages volunteers in cyclone warnings, evacuation, rescue, first aid, and emergency relief. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=37Institutions; ResourcesThe Intermediate Technology Development Group conducted a participatory rural appraisal focusing on the impact of floods and developed a low-cost housing model based on results. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=35)Technology; EmpowermentThe Grameen Bank provides loans for two house designs that are specially adapted to heavy rains and floods, and can even be dismantled and reassembled in severe flood events. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=38)9Addressing Vulnerability Drivers; Climate Risk Management)Agriculture; Empowerment; Planning; OthereLand Degradation/Soil Erosion; Spread of Vector-Borne Diseases; Damage to Human Settlements; FloodingSource data for: McGray, H., A. Hammill, and R. Bradley. 2007. Weathering the Storm: Options for Framing Adaptation and Development (http://www.wri.org/publication/weathering-the-storm). Washington, DC: World Resources Institute.?Oxfam is helping poor communities prepare for various climate change impacts, by forming committees and training people, promoting appropriate crops, and assessing water supply and storage. (http://www.oxfamnovib.nl/id.html?lang=EN&id=PROJ_DETAIL&pid=BAN-501114-0006018)(Infrastructure; Technology; InstitutionsZDamage to Human Settlements; Decline in Productivity of Livestock and/or Poultry; FloodingOxfam has built raised villages in flood-prone areas, distributed rescue boats and lifesaving equipment, and trained disaster preparedness committees. (http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_we_do/issues/climate_change/story_facingheat.htm)PlanningNorth South University is developing risk communication strategies and testing adaptation options to foster adaptation policy at the local level. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=304&kbid=5)6Land Degradation/Soil Erosion; Decrease of Crop YieldsThe Ministry of Environment and Forest established a poultry/biogas plant providing both electricity and food, which will alleviate the problem of declining fish stocks. (http://www.cckn.net/pdf/seeing_the_light_dre.pdf)Resources; InstitutionsCaritas' reforestation program reduces erosion and guarantees a standing stock of biomass that can be used in emergencies. (http://www.cckn.net/pdf/seeing_the_light_dre.pdf) 4Awareness; Resources; Agriculture; MEWS; EmpowermentWater resourcesLandslides; Damage to Human Settlements; Water Shortages; Decrease of Crop Yields; Decline in Productivity of Livestock and/or Poultry; Drought and AriditySouthSouthNorth and partners are using a variety of means (e.g., integrated farming methods, rain-water gathering) to promote adaptive capacity in agriculture and water conservation. (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/country_home.asp?country_id=11#111) Bhutan Technology=Decrease of Crop Yields; Water Shortages; Drought and AridityBamboo stem is used for irrigating fruit trees as a crop-loss prevention strategy during drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=21)2Land Degradation/Soil Erosion; Drought and AridityLocal people have taken measures to conserve bamboo, helping it better withstand drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=25BoliviaHuman health; Water resources=Drought and Aridity; Decrease of Crop Yields; Water ShortagesThe Minsitry of the Environment is undertaking an analysis of and planning process for climate change in semi-arid mountain regions. (http://www.nlcap.net/countries/bolivia/)In a case of autonomous adaptation, the Aymara people store rainwater as a source of drinking water for times of drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=137)Brazil Resources'Land Degradation/Soil Erosion; FloodingUrbanThe Community Reforestation Project counters erosion and landslides in Rio de Janeiro's favelas by planting trees. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=139)=Water Shortages; Decrease of Crop Yields; Drought and AriditySouthSouthNorth and local partners are improving agricultural productivity and resilience through the use of water pumping. (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/country_home.asp?country_id=11#109) ESEAChina;Climate Risk Management; Confronting Climate Change ImpactsPlanning; Institutions,Drought and Aridity; Decrease of Crop YieldsIn an effort to mainstream adaptation to climate change, China will use hydrological modeling and pilot projects to develop drought-related policies. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P105229ColombiaPolicy; Planning:Damage to Human Settlements; Coastal Inundation or ErosionThe Colombian government, with the help of NGOs, is preparing a plan which will intergrate climate change adaptation policy for the coastal zone into national legislation. (http://www.nlcap.net/fileadmin/NCAP/Countries/Colombia/NCAP_workplan_Colombia_summary.01.300106.pdf3Building Response Capacity; Climate Risk Management8Insurance; MEWS; Institutions; Infrastructure; AwarenessFlooding; LandslidesConcerned about floods and landslides, Bogota is improving risk-detection technology, emergency response, recovery finance, and awareness. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/< projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P085727)'Planning; MEWS; Resources; InstitutionsQBiodiversity Loss; Spread of Vector-Borne Diseases; Land Degradation/Soil Erosion$Conservation International is addressing the impacts of climate change through land-use planning, watershed protection, and disease control efforts. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?Projectid=P083075&Type=Overview&theSitePK=40941&pagePK=64283627&menuPK=64282134&piPK=64290415)Resources; MEWSWater ShortagesWWF is developing a pilot adaptation strategy for wetlands in the central Colombian Andes to safeguard water supply. (http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/climate_change/problems/global_warming/scientific_proof/ipcc_report/colombia.cfm) Costa RicaInstitutions; Infrastructure Damage to Human Settlements The Costa Rican Red Cross runs a flood early warning system and a community training program in disaster preparedness and prevention, community first aid, and psychological support. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=140)CubaResources; InfrastructureCoastal Inundation or ErosionCuba has developed beach restoration technology to restore ecological and functional value of the coasts. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation_planning/adaptation_list.pl?id_country=56&id_org=&id_level=&id_scope=&id_type=)Planning; MEWSCuba's Framework for Disaster Reduction focuses on preparing for and recovering from storms. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation_planning/adaptation_list.pl?id_country=56&id_org=&id_level=&id_scope=&id_type=)Other Human healthSpread of Vector-Borne DiseasesThe Cuban Vaccination Program increases adaptive capacity by making the population less vulnerable to climate-related diseases. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation_planning/adaptation_list.pl?id_country=56&id_org=&id_level=&id_scope=&id_type=)EcuadorAgriculture; Resources The Rainforest Rescue Foundation's Analogue Forestry Initiative is promoting tree crop species resilient to climatic changes and establishing nurseries to investigate adaptation of different tree species. (http://www.bothends.org/project/project_info.php?id=26&scr=st) El Salvador,Decrease of Crop Yields; Drought and AridityThe Red Cross Drought Response and Mitigation Project provides technical assistance to help subsistence farmers survive drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=143)9Policy; Empowerment; Institutions; Agriculture; ResourcesWater Shortages; Flooding; Drought and Aridity; Decrease of Crop Yields; Decline in Productivity of Livestock and/or Poultry; Land Degradation/Soil ErosionEl Salvador is strengthening capacities of rural people in the coastal plaing to incorporate adaptation to climate change in their socio-economic activities. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation_planning/adaptation_list.pl?id_country=67&id_org=&id_level=&id_scope=&id_type=)SSAEthiopia3Agriculture; Resources; Planning; Empowerment; MEWSEthiopia is testing a range of adaptation measures, including agricultural practices to cope with drought and use of early warning systems for agriculture. (http://www.gefweb.org/Documents/Medium-Sized_Project_Proposals/MSP_Proposals/documents/Ethiopia-CopingwdDrought-CC.pdf)Ethiopia uses an early warning system to assess and communicate danger of food shortages. (http://iriportal.ldeo.columbia.edu/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_2_1171_0_0_18/Climate%20and%20Society%20No1_en.pdf)SIDSFijiMEWS; AwarenessWWF's Friends of the Reef project monitors and protects coral reefs in response to more common bleaching events. (http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/asia_pacific/our_programmes/for/index.cfm)GhanaInstitutions; Planning; Policy Spread of Vector-Borne Diseases Several organizations are collaborating to devise adaptation options in response to climate-related diseases, and to integrate adaptation into national and local health policy. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=298&kbid=5) Guatemala,Institutions; Planning; Awareness; ResourcesThe Climate Change Studies with Emphasis on Adaptation project aims to reduce vulnerability and increase adaptative ability in the face of increased climate variability. (http://www.nlcap.net/fileadmin/NCAP/Countries/Guatemala/NCAP_workplan_Guatemala_summary.01.300106.pdf)Institutions; Planning LandslidesThe Red Cross is strengthening capacities to respond to climate change in the Department of Chiquimula through disaster preparedness training and other actions. (http://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/File/latin_america/Santa%20Rosa%20Guatemala%20ENG.pdf)GuyanaInfrastructure; PlanningFlooding Guyana is developing a sea level rise contingency plan and improving drainage of the East Demerara Water Conservancy dam during heavy rains. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P103539)India#Institutions; Technology; Resources$Water Shortages; Drought and AridityThe Watershed Organisation Trust helps poor communities in Maharashtra state reclaim drought-degraded lands through watershed management. (http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2003/envsec_livelihoods_3.pdf)Awareness; Planning(Water Shortages; Decrease of Crop Yields<Several organizations are collaborating to develop communication materials about agriculture and water risk and conduct a pilot adaptation project, which will ultimately lead to integrating adaptation measures into policy. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=302&kbid=5).Awareness; Insurance; Infrastructure; PlanningFlooding; Drought and AridityKfW Entwicklungsbank has built 59 cyclines shelters and raised awareness of climate-related risk in Orissa state. (http://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/DE_Home/Service/Online_Bibliothek/PDF-Dokumente_KfW_Entwicklungsbank/fz_jb_99_e.pdf)Tarun Bharat Sangh (an NGO) has facilitated the construction of earthen check dams to retain monsoon water for times of drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=41)Drought and Aridity; FloodingThe government of India and several partners are testing technical solutions for watershed and forestry management programmes and financial instruments such as micro insurance. (http://www.gtz.de/de/dokumente/en-climate-results-asia.pdf) IndonesiaPlanning; Institutions; PolicyKCoastal Inundation or Erosion; Damage to Human Settlements; Water ShortagesSouthSouthNorth and local partners are working to bridge the knowledge gap between local and expert into a participatory decision making process to address climate threats to coastal communities. (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/country_home.asp?country_id=11#114) WWF's Friends of the Reef project monitors and protects coral reefs in response to more common bleaching events. (http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/asia_pacific/where/indonesia/wwf_indonesia_conservation/bali_barat/the_background/friends_of_the_reef/index.cfm)'Awareness; Institutions; MEWS; PlanningThe Red Cross is establishing institutional structures and plans in East Jakarta to take a proactive approach to climate change, including awareness-raising and an early warning system. (http://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/File/asia_and_pacific/concept%20paper%202007-2008.pdf)KenyaSmall-scale farmers in Kenya have developed a way to make low-cost sprinklers out of recycled materials, helping farmers protect their crops from drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=130))Institutions; Infrastructure; EmpowermentThe Ilkerin Loita Integral Development Programme helps Loita Maasai pastoralists prepare for droughts by growing grain and accessing credit. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=114)#Institutions; Empowerment; Planning.Flooding; Drought and Aridity; Wat< er Shortages0Rio de Janeiro's Community Reforestation Project$Kenya is integrating a climate-risk perspective into national and local policy-making and developing programs to enhance adaptive capacity in communities. (http://www.gefonline.org/ProjectDocs/Climate Change/Kenya - Adaptation to CC in Arid Lands (KACCAL)/Project Document Final 11-10-06.doc)Several organizations are collaborating to develop a model of climate-sensitive malaria and appropriate risk communication strategies. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=284&kbid=5)The SASOL Foundation helps communities build forested sand dams to provide a source of water during droughts. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=170)The Kenyan Red Cross trains communities in flood prevention and protection, including changes they can make to waterways to better control flooding. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=109)LaosDecrease of Crop YieldsIn a case of autonomous adaptation, people living in the Mekong River flood plain switch from farming to fishing during the rainy season. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=65) MadagascarMEWS; Awareness; ResourcesWWF and Conservation International are analyzing and raising awareness about the vulnerability marine and terrestrial environments to climate change. (http://www.worldwildlife.org/climate/adaptation.cfm)MalawiInsurance; TechnologyA joint private-sector project helps farmers cope with uncertainty through an insurance program for droughts and loans for seed purchase. (http://iriportal.ldeo.columbia.edu/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_2_1171_0_0_18/Climate%20and%20Society%20No1_en.pdf)The Red Cross is raising awareness of food security and disaster risks related to climate change. (http://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/File/preparing%20malawis%20preparing%20for%20climate%20change%20program%20july%202006.pdf)The Red Cross and partner organizations are finding creative ways to communicate climate predictions to subsistence farmers. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=294&kbid=5)MaliMEWS; Awareness; Technology The government of Mali and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation use data collected by farmers to help farmers make planting decisions. (http://iriportal.ldeo.columbia.edu/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_2_1171_0_0_18/Climate%20and%20Society%20No1_en.pdf)Several organizations are collaborating to raise awareness and plan for the future regarding water resources and climate change. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=290&kbid=5) MauritiusAwareness; Technology$Monitoring Drought and Food SecurityEnvironment Care Association is spreading awareness of climate change through talks and booklet distribution to schools, women's groups, and youth organizations. (http://sgp.undp.org/web/projects/11569/sensitisation_on_environment_protection_with_emphasis_on_climate_change.html)MENA Middle East MultinationalThe International Development Research Centre promotes water demand management through research, capacity building, networking, and advocacy. (http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-100570-201_101806-1-IDRC_ADM_INFO.html)Mongolia"Awareness; Institutions; Resources$Drought and Aridity; Water ShortagesThe National University of Mongolia and other partners are reinstating traditional land use practices to cope with drought. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=301&kbid=5) Mozambique:Infrastructure; Resources; Agriculture; Institutions; MEWSDrought and Aridity1Mozambique is testing a range of drought adaptation measures, such as diversifying livestock and crops, assuring access to water and land, and and developing an early warning system. (http://www.gefweb.org/Documents/Medium-Sized_Project_Proposals/MSP_Proposals/documents/Mozambique-CopingwdDrought-CC.pdf)&Institutions; Empowerment; AgricultureSLand Degradation/Soil Erosion; Decrease of Crop Yields; Damage to Human SettlementsA market-oriented smallholder development project aims to accelerate agricultural growth and reduce poverty in the face of drought and land degradation. (http://www.gefonline.org/projectDetails.cfm?projID=2889)Awareness; Institutions5Landslides; Spread of Vector-Borne Diseases; FloodingThe Red Cross is strengthening its disaster preparedness capacity and promoting awareness of climate change impacts. (http://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/File/dealing%20with%20climate%20change%20in%20mozambique%20july%202006.pdf) The Programme for Rural Development is preparing the Buzi district for storms and floods by establishing preparedness committees and early warning systems and promoting risk reduction policy. (http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/umweltpolitik/16057.htm)SouthSouthNorth and local partners are supplying farmers with renewable energy to combat water shortage. (http://www.southsouthnorth.org/country_home.asp?country_id=11#165) MULTI#Mulitple (Mexico and the Caribbean)Resources; Planning; MEWSWWF and The Nature Conservancy are adapting marine protected area monitoring and planning to encompass facets of bleaching resistance and coral resiliency. (http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/climate_change/news/impacts/index.cfm?uNewsID=74900)!Multinational (Caribbean nations)Technology; Planning; Awareness The Caribbean Community Secretariat's is raising awareness among its member nations through risk communications strategies and pilot projects. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P073389)Multinational (Central America)$Institutions; Resources; Empowerment)Landslides; Flooding; Drought and AridityPASOLAC (Programa para la Agricultura Sostenible en las Laderas de Amrica Central) helps hillside farmers implement sustainable soil and water management techniques and gain access to markets. (http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2003/envsec_livelihoods_2.pdf)CMultinational (Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and The Grenadines)0Biodiversity Loss; Land Degradation/Soil Erosion The Implementation of Adaptation Measures in Coastal Zones Project designs and tests adaptation projects protecting biodiversity on islands. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P090731)(Multinational (Fiji, Cameroon, Tanzania)-Resources; Planning; Technology; InstitutionsWWF is testing methods to restore degraded mangrove forests to make them resilient to climate change. (http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/climate_change/problems/global_warming/scientific_proof/ipcc_report/cameroon.cfm)#Multinational (Nepal, India, China)Resources; PlanningMGlacial Lake Outburst Floodings; Water Shortages; Damage to Human SettlementsWWF is monitoring glacial melt, predicting glacial lake outburst floods, and educating communities about associated risks and preparedness actions. (http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/asia_pacific/where/nepal/our_solutions/projects/index.cfm?uProjectID=NP0898)EMultinational (Nepal, Malawi, Haiti, Kenya, Ghana, Bangladesh, India)/Institutions; Awareness; Policy; InfrastructureAction Aid is making schools in high-risk disaster areas safer, enabling them to act as a locus for disaster risk reduction. (http://www.actionaid.org/main.aspx?PageID=212)*Multinational (Southern African countries)2Drought and Aridity; Land Degradation/Soil ErosionThe New Seed Initiative for Maize in Southern Africa provides poor farmers with drought-resistant seed. (http://www.sdc.admin.ch/en/Home/Projects/Maize_initiative)The Roll Back Malaria Initiative developed a monitoring and early warning system that uses climatic data to predict malaria outbreaks. (http://iriportal.ldeo.columbia.edu/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_2_1171_0_0_18/Climate%20and%20Society%20No1_en.pdf)&Multinati< onal (West African countries)Technology; InstitutionsThe West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program Support Project generates and disseminates agricultural technologies and information. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P094084)VCoastal Inundation or Erosion; Decline in Productivity of Fisheries; Biodiversity LossThe UNDP is incorporating climate change concerns, such as coastal erosion and declining fish stocks, into integrated coastal management. (http://www.undp.org/gef/adaptation/projects/06c.htm)Nepal<Damage to Human Settlements; Glacial Lake Outburst FloodingsThe government of Nepal reduced the water level in Tsho Rolpa Lake to prevent glacial lake outburst floods, and instituted an early warning system for downstream villages. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=72)!Institutions; Planning; AwarenessThe Knowledge and Research Program improved flood risk reduction by establishing and training several committees and by distributing a flood protection manual. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=67)An Intermediate Technology Development Group project reduces the impact of floods by strengthening the capacity of local communities to set up early warning systems. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=67)Institutions; Insurance; MEWSThe Himalayan Climate Centre is initiating a collective disaster insurance scheme in Western Nepal. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=300&kbid=5 NicaraguaThe Red Cross conducts stakeholder seminars on climate change risks and works with teachers to integrate climate change impacts into school curricula. (http://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/File/articles/Nicaraguan%20Red%20Cross.pdf)Technology; MEWSLandslides; FloodingThe autonomous government of the North Atlantic Region has improved its early warning systems and disaster planning to cope with hurricanes and floods. (http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/umwelt-infrastruktur/umweltpolitik/16057.htm)Niger'Institutions; Resources; InfrastructureThe Niger Basin Authority is working to improve watershed management, irrigation, hydroelectric power, and institutional coordination on water resources. (http://web.worldbank.org/external/projects/main?pagePK=64283627&piPK=73230&theSitePK=40941&menuPK=228424&Projectid=P093806)NigeriaTechnology; InfrastructureThe World Bank's fadama irrigation project helps ensure water availability during times of drought. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=152Peru6Decrease of Crop Yields; Drought and Aridity; FloodingThe Waru waru Restoration Project has revived an ancient canalization technique designed to provide mositure to farms during drough and drainage during heavy rains. (http://maindb.unfccc.int/public/adaptation/adaptation_casestudy.pl?id_project=134) PhilippinesSeveral organizations are collaborating to develop climate risks adaptation communication materials for policy makers, local farmers and other local stakeholders. (http://www.acccaproject.org/evolution/modules/knowledgebox/external2/view.php?id=303&kbid=5)WWF's Friends of the Reef project monitors and protects coral reefs in response to more common bleaching events. (http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/where_we_work/asia_pacific/our_programmes/for/index.cfmResources; Technology; Other Oxfam set up a relief and rehabilitation program in response to increased storms, droughts, floods, and warfare. The program includes food and medicine provision and credit and training for entrepreneurship. (http://www.oxfamnovib.nl/id.html?lang=EN&id=PROJ_DETAIL&pid=FIL-501437-0001742)SamoaPost-Flood Rehabilitation^Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to Prolonged Flood and Water-Logging in a South Central FloodplainsLivelihood Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change in Drought-Prone Areas: Developing Institutions and OptionsMCommunity Adaptation to Salinity and Cyclones in the Southwest Coastal RegionAPromotion of Adaptation to Climate Change and Climate VariabilityComprehensive Disaster Management Program: Establishing An Integrated Approach To Climate Change Risk Management At National And Local Levels;The Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change (RVCC) Project'Flood-Resilient Aquaculture in FaridpurCyclone Preparedness Program#Flood-Resistant Housing in Faridpur+Flood-Resistant Housing through Micro-LoansCoping with Climate ChangePreparing for FloodsVParticipatory Climate Risk Assessment and Development of Local Adaptation Action Plans0Biogas Electricity Generation from Poultry Waste-Social Forestry (Roadside Plantation) ProjectcEnhancement of Adaptive Capacity of Drought Vulnerable Community in North West Region of BangladeshBamboo Drip Irrigation'Village Bamboo Conservation Regulations<Enhancing Adaptive Capacity in Semi-Arid Mountainous Regions+Rainwater Storage in Qhuthaas (Small Dams)RImproving Agricultural Productivity through Photovoltaic Water Pumping in Pintadas`Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change into Water Resources Management and Rural DevelopmentfImproving Adaptability to Sea Level Rise on the Tumaco-Pacific Coast and the Cartagena-Caribbean Coast3Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project - Phase II&Integrated National Adaptation Program Monitoring and Restoring Wetland%Community Flood Preparedness TrainingBeach Restoration Technology"A Framework for Disaster ReductionVaccination ProgramAnalog Forestry in Nuevo MundoDrought-Resistant AgriculturekStrategy and Measures to Adapt to Climate Change in Rural Areas of the Central Coastal Plain of El Salvador&Coping with Drought and Climate ChangeFriends of the ReefSCapacity Development and Adaptation to Climate Change on Human Health Vulnerability?Climate Change Studies in Guatemala with Emphasis on Adaptation(Disaster Preparedness for Climate Change+Planning for and Adapting to Sea Level Rise;Building Community Resilience through Watershed RestorationPromoting Integration of Adaptation Strategies into Developmental Policies by Effectively Communicating Climate Risks and Adaptation Measures in the Bundelkhand RegionHIndian-German Financial-Cooperation Project "Cyclone Shelters in Orissa"(Johads (Earthen Check Dams) in RajasthanLPilot Project on Climate Change Adaptation for Sustainable Rural DevelopmentBridging Knowledge Gap between Local and Expert into a Participatory Decision Making Process to Address Climate Threats to Coastal Communities2Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction (ICBRR). Low-Cost Locally-Made SprinklersDrought Cycle Management4Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Planning ^Strengthening Community-Based Adaptation to Climate-Sensitive Malaria in the Western Highlands.Capturing Seasonal Water in Sand Dams in Kitui%Flood Mitigation Structures in Nyanza+Diversifying Rice-Based Diets during Floods*Helping Ecosystems Adapt to Climate ChangeDrought Insurance'Raising Preparedness for Climate ChangemAudiovisual Tools for Community-Based Adaptation: Bridging the Meteorological Service and the Red Cross' WorkAgrometeorology ProjectClimate Adaptation from the Bottom-up: Collaboration between Malian Communities and Scientific Organizations to Identify and Implement Responsive Water Management ActionsGSensitisation on Environment Protection with Emphasis on Climate Change=Community-Based Integrated Water Management in Farafara OasislPolicy Framework for Adaptation Strategies for the Mongolian Rangelands to Climate Change at Multiple Scales1Zambezi Valley Market-Led Smallholder DevelopmentrIntegrating Adaptation to Climate Change within Disaster Risk Management Systems in the Bzi River Catchment Area Clean Water and Energy Project Protecting the Mesoamerican Reef*Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change_Increasing the Resilience of Tropical Hillside Communities through Forest Landscape Restoration<5BThe Implementation of Adaptation Measures in Coastal Zones Project%Mangroves and Coral Reef Conservation,Adapting to Glacial Melting in the Himalayas'Disaster Risk Reduction through SchoolsNew Seed Initiative for Maize !Malaria Early Warning and Respose-West Africa Agricultural Productivity ProgrambResponding to Shoreline Change and its Human Dimensions through Integrated Coastal Area Management3Mitigating the Risk of Glacier Lake Outburst Floods1Flood Preparedness Capacity Building in Jaleshwar#Early Warning for Floods in ChitwanOApplication of Community Based Adaptation Measures to Weather Related DisastersiAdaptation to Climate Change through Disaster Risk Management in Waspam, Bonanza, Rosita and Santa TeresaUNiger Basin Water Resources Development and Sustainable Ecosystems Management Project*Second National Fadama Development ProjectWaru Waru Irrigation SystemRMainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in Watershed Management and Upland Farming"Mangrove Restoration in Vaiusu Bay'Mangrove Restoration in Matafaa Village =1#d(i+l #T&\)*0G3&6C ;9X<I@fzCD8E^H{fJLTPMzSsV ,[%,_%%bd(g!(j!Rm'or'w {yP|_4Az*q"WE rѣҦd  ƼS.CRv{4Il|cc*  $DL1;  dMbP?_*+%MnMicrosoft Office Document Imag/d,,Letterwidm"d,,??U} #} m#}  #} m #}  #}  #}  #} $#} m #} #} .#} $ #   @ @ @ @ *@ "                          ))********** +,,,,,,,,,,, ------------ ./////////// .\00000000000 '(((((((((((    #  $ & % !     ~ ?   !           ~ @              ~ @   "        ~ @           ~ @           ~ @           ~ @           ~  @              ~ "@              ~ $@              ~ &@              ~ (@              ~ *@              ~ ,@              ~ .@              ~ 0@              ~ 1@              ~ 2@              ~ 3@              ~ 4@              ~ 5@              ~ 6@              ~ 7@              ~ 8@              ~ 9@   Q           Dl...... ! 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