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Source: Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines  Table 1-2, Volume IIG3. CO2 emissions factors are derived from carbon emissions factors  Type of fuel usedQuantity of fuel used (annual)Mode of TransportationAir Jet KeroseneAviation GasolineTrainBusCarGasoline/PetrolCO2 emission factor  Emissions factors for air travel Liquid Fuel Gas/petrolkg of CO2/gallon Kg of CO2/litre xSource: Energy Information Administration, Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2000, Appendix B, Table B1+cTotalFuel Use - 'Heating' Emissions%Fuel Use - 'Transportation' Emissions Total Direct Emissions (Scope 1)EFE=AxCConversion FactorsMass 1 pound (lb)453.6 grams (g)0.4536 kilograms (kg)0.0004536 metric tons (tonne)1 kilogram (kg)2.205 pounds (lb)1 short ton (ton)2'000 pounds (lb)907.2 kilograms (kg) 1 metric ton2'205 pounds (lb)1'000 kilograms (kg)1.1205 short tons (tons)Volume0.1781 barrel (bbl)28.32 liters (L)0.0238 barrel (bbl)3.785 liters (L)1 barrel (bbl)158.99 liters (L) 1 litre (L)6.2897 barrels (bbl)1'000 liters (L)Energy1 kilowatt hour (kWh)3412 Btu (btu)3'600 kilojoules (KJ)1 megajoule (MJ)0.001 gigajoules (GJ)1 gigajoule (GJ) 0.9478 million Btu (million btu)277.8 kilowatt hours (kWh) 1 Btu (btu)1'055 joules (J)1 million Btu (million btu)1.055 gigajoules (GJ)293 kilowatt hours (kWh)1 therm (therm) 100'000 btu 0.1055 gigajoules (GJ)29.3 kilowatt hours (kWh)Otherkilo1'000mega 1'000'000giga 1'000'000'000tera1'000'000'000'0001 psi 14.5037 bar 1.0197 bar1 atmosphere (atm) 0.9869 bar101.325 kilo pascals$14.696 pounds per square inch (psia)1 mile (statue)1.609 kilometers1 metric ton carbon1 cubic foot (ft 3)!0.02832 cubic meters (m 3)!0.003785 cubic meters (m 3)!0.1589 cubic meters (m 3)!0.001 cubic meters (m 3)!1 cubic meter (m 3)!1 kgf / cm 3 (tech atm) ! 1 metric ton CH4"21 metric tons CO2 equivalent"1metric ton N2O"310 metric tons CO2 equivalent"3.664 metric tons CO2")Direct CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion $ #?Calculation steps for the worksheet 'Fuel Combustion - Heating'FCalculation steps for the worksheet 'Fuel Combustion - Transportation'9Direct CO2 Emissions from Fuel Use - Heating Applications % 3Direct CO2 Emissions from Fuel Use - Transportation % "Direct CO2 Emissions from Fuel Use & CO2 Emissions in Metric Tons u2. Source: US Department of Energy/Energy Information Administration (DOE/EIA), Form EIA-1605 Instructions, 1996 Color Key:Standard labelUser entry cellsAutomatic calculationDEmissions factors for fuels that are used for heating and other usesYear:Direct emissions are those produced from sources owned or controlled by the reporting organization. This workbook will enable you to calculate your office's direct emissions from fuel combustion. The workbook contains the following worksheets:8To calculate direct CO2 emissions from fuel combustion for heating equipment, you need to determine the quantity of fuel burned in heating equipment, and the appropriate emissions factor. Follow the steps below. Note that columns A, B, C, etc. refer to the columns in the calculation tool, not to Excel columns. >To calculate direct CO2 emissions from fuel combustion in transportation, you need to determine the quantity of fuel burned in each mode of transportation, and the appropriate emissions factor. Follow the steps below. Note that columns A, B, C, etc. refer to the columns in the calculation tool, not to Excel columns. - Fuel Combustion - Heating. This is the calculation tool for your office's direct emissions from fuel combustion in heating applications such as heaters, boilers, etc.- Fuel Combust - Transportation. This is the calculation tool for your office's direct emissions from transportation in planes, trains, buses and cars owned/controlled by your office.- Total Direct Emissions. This spreadsheet automatically calculates your total direct emissions based on your entries in the first two spreadsheets._- EFs_Heating. This spreadsheet provides emissions factors for fuels that are used for heating. f- EF_Transportation. This spreadsheet provides a range of typical emissions factors for transporation.Y- Conversion Factors. This spreadsheet contains a chart for performing unit conversions.tStep 1. Enter the quantity of fuel burned in Column A. Enter data separately for each source and fuel type. Specify the unit in which fuel use data is measured in Column B, e.g. kg, metric tons, GJ, gallons, etc. Make sure the unit is consistent with the emissions factor you will enter in Step 2. Conversion factors are supplied in the worksheet 'Conversion Factors'.  _Step 3. CO2 emissions in kg are automatically calculated in Column E. CO2 emissions in metric tons are automatically calculated in Column F. J KStep 3. CO2 emissions in kg are automatically calculated in Column E. CO2 emissions in metric tons are automatically calculated in Column F.  I J<Calculation Steps for the worksheet 'Total Direct Emissions'Notes: Example data is provided in the worksheets to illustrate the application of the calculation methods used in these worksheets. Remember to remove the examples before you begin your own calculations but be careful not to remove any formulas from the grey shaded cells. Each worksheet is color coded to help illustrate which cells require input from you. A key to the color coding is at the top of each worksheet. If you have multiple locations, create separate duplicate workbooks for each location.BStep 4. All values obtained in Column F are automatically added.  HStep 4. All values obtained in column F are automatically added. This worksheet automatically sums direct emissions from both worksheets 'Fuel Combustion - Heating' and 'Fuel Combustion - Transportation'. This emissions should be reported as direct emissions under Scope 1 of the GHG Protocol.HchOffice Organization NameLocation Address Location nameLocation addressC Step 2.Enter the fuel specific emissions factor in Column C in kg of CO2 per unit of activity data. A list of typical emission factors can be found in the worksheet 'EF_Heating . Specify the emiss<ions factor s unit in Column D. Make sure the emissions factor unit is consistent with the activity data entered in Step 1.  J KNote: Grey colored cells are protected to prevent formulas being inadvertently deleted. To unprotect the worksheet, select Protection from the Tools menu followed by Unprotect Sheet. No password is required. Compressed Natural Gas$Definition of short haul: less than km%Definition of medium haul: less than "Definition of long haul: more thanMethod of TravelShort haul (approx. ) Long haul!Emissions factors for rail travel Type of Train Emissions factors for bus travel Type of BusDiesel, long distance Diesel, urbanCNG Emissions factors for car travel Size of CarUnits$Small petrol (max. 1.4 litre engine)miles&Medium petrol (1.4  2.1 litre engine)Large petrol (above 2.1 litres)Kg CO2 per unit(Small diesel (2.0 litre engine or under)$Large diesel (Over 2.0 litre engine)Fuel efficiency values Size of carmiles per gallon (mpg)$New small gas/petrol/electric hybridSmall gas/petrol, highwaySmall gas/petrol, cityMedium gas/petrol, highwayMedium gas/petrol, cityLarge gas/petrol, highwayLarge gas/petrol, cityWSource: miles per gallon for typical vehicles based on averages from US EPA 2001 Guide.!http://www.epa.gov/autoemissions.kg CO2 per passenger kmkg CO2 per passenger mileMedium haul (approx. )  UK Rail1US Diesel Train2US Electric Train3US Coal Train4 Kg CO2 per unitcustomBoiler~Note: "Gallons" in this spreadsheet refers to US gallons. The conversion is as follows: 1 US gallon = 0.8327 imperial gallons.litrekg CO2 / US gallons fuel used Natural gas kg CO2/ therm kg CO2/pound kg CO2/ kg kg CO2/ pound kg CO2 / kg7.4805 US gallons (gal)1 US gallon (gal)42 US gallons (gal)0.2642 US gallons (gal)264.2 US gallons (gal)LSource: EIA 2001. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the US, 2000. Appendix B. 1 km equals Jet keroseneNote: Jet kerosene is used by jet engines only. Aviation gasoline is used in piston powered airplanes. Jet kerosene is more common.5. Source: Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 22- 2002, Table 2.11. Available at http://www-cta.ornl.gov/data. Note: transit rail is defined as light and heavy rail. For definitions, please see http://www.apta.com/info/define/mode.htmkg CO2 per passenger kmSource: Environmental Reporting  Guidelines for Company Reporting on GHG Emissions, UK DEFRA. http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/envrp/gas/10.htm1 litre equals US gallons 1 kg equalspoundsPetrol/Gasoline1.Source: Railtrack http://www.railtrack.co.uk/our_business/environment/benefits_of_rail/index.cfm gives annual passenger-miles and tonnes of CO2.1b2.Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2000 (table 4.20/energy intensity for Amtrak 1997)13.Multiplies diesel locomotive numbers times two, assuming generation fuel mix is slightly less carbon intensive than diesel, but generation and transmission are about 40% efficient. This will vary considerably depending upon the carbon intensity.1 kg CO2/gallon kg CO2/litre'kg CO2 / standard cubic meter fuel usedHSource: Air travel definitions and factors are from the GHG Protocol Mobile Combustion Tool. The emissions factors for short and long haul flights are originally from UK DEFRA. The emissions factor for medium haul flights was derived, using an assumed distance of 1600 km and the following formulae. X+452y =.18*452 for short haul X+6342y=.11*6342 for long haul Based on Emission Factors provided by DEFRA (Table 9, Environmental Reporting - Guidelines for Company Reporting on GHG Emissions) for short haul and long haul flights http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/envrp/gas/10.htmzSource: Energy Information Administration, Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2000, Appendix B, Table B1. +cgallonUnits for solids Units for CNGkglbtherm kg CO2/Unitstandard cubic meter kgCO2/ UnitTNote: You can find emissions factors on the EFs_Heating page for the fuel you need. {Step 2.Check that the units that will appear in Column D are consistent with the activity data unit you entered in Step 1. Anthracite CoalBituminous CoalSource: Energy Information Administration, Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 2000, Appendix B, Table B1. For more information refer stationary combustion tool (emissions factors are provided in Worksheet 1 Direct) at www.ghgprotocol.org.Fuel Energy Content,Liquid fuel emission factors in volume unitsSource: Emission factors based on volumetric or mass units from EIA 2001. Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the US, 2000. Appendix B.#Coal emission factors in mass units6Natural gas emission factors in therm and volume unitsr4.Multiplies diesel emissions per unit by 26.3/20.2, the ratio of Carbon emissions per gigajoule, coal to diesel.1US Transit Rail5Other fuel emissions factorsUSource for diesel: Bureau of Transportation, National Transportation Statistics for 2000. Source for CNG: Multiplies diesel (urban) emissions per unit by 56/73.9, the ratio of CO2 emissions per terrajoule, natural gas to diesel. Emission factors are based on lower heating values. They are sourced from Revised IPCC, 1996, Vol. 2, Table 1-2.FThese worksheets are intended to be used in conjunction with Working 9 to 5 on Climate Change: An Office Guide. This publication will help you understand the difference betwen direct and indirect emissions and the concept of "Scope". Refer to 9 to 5 for detailed guidance on measuring and reporting emissions from an office.=nStep 1.Enter the quantity of fuel burned in Column A. Enter data separately for each mode of transportation and fuel type. Specify the unit in which fuel use data is measured in Column B by choosing an option from the pull-down menu that appears when you click on the cell (gray arrow on the right-hand side). An emissions factor will appear in Column C which corresponds to your mode of transportation and selected units. If you prefer to enter in your own emissions factor, select "custom" in the pull-down menu in Column B and then unprotect the sheet in order to input a value in Column C. To unprotect a sheet, go to Tools, protection, unprotect sheet. Be sure to not mistakenly change other cells in the sheet, as you can now make changes in any cell.   ;To convert from kgCO2/US gallon to kg CO2/ litre, divide by>User Agreement By using the Spreadsheets and associated materials in any manner, the User agrees to the following terms of this agreement: Copyright: The Spreadsheets and associated guidance were developed by WRI, and are copyrighted. The User acknowledges these copyrights. Acknowledgement: The User agrees to acknowledge WRI for its role in developing the Spreadsheets whenever the User authors reports or publications based in whole or in part on the use of the Spreadsheets. Disclaimer: The use of these tools is not a guarantee of an accurate or complete greenhouse gas emissions inventory. To develop a high quality inventory, it is essential to plan an inventory quality system that includes suitable internal and external reviews, and accuracy checks for activity data, emissions factors, and emissions calculations.32D ESEFGXGHBJ|JK!LMTMRN N7 O PM P kQ R BT|TVE\c?g.glhi_jvklDm[uo q Xvovycz ɀ p  dMbP?_*+%M\\WRI_TREE\meb-cS odXXLetterPRIV0''''\KhC{"dXX??U                    t@  )     ,|0>@  7 ɀ KOۡ  dMbP?_*+%MMEB-AS odXXLetterPRIV0''''\KhC{"dXX??U} m'K   @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @    h@ @# %######## #%######## # #&$$$$$vvv #$$$$$$vvv #$$$$$$vvv #$$$$$$www #%######## # #$$$$$###  #$$$$$$###  #$$$$$$###  #%########  # % $$$$$###  #$$$$$$### # %$$$$$### #$$$$$$### # %$$$$$### #$$$$$$### # &$$$$$### # &$$$$$### # &$$$$$### #uuuuuu### #      sss #      sss #      sss #      ### #!!!!!!### #!!!!!!### #$$$$$$### # "!!!##### #  !!!!!### #!!!!!!###  #!!!!!!### D0l222222222222! 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