We invite you to join us for a dialogue onSustainable Transport and Traffic Safetyfrom12:30pmto3:15pmonDecember 5, 2013.

This event will explore the link between traffic safety and sustainable transport and will include a presentation on a newly released EMBARQ publication - "Saving Lives with Sustainable Transport" - examining evidence of the safety impact of sustainable transport projects and policies including Bus Rapid Transit, biking and pedestrian infrastructure. Attendees will be invited to interact on how cities can best address traffic safety through sustainable transport, street design, and sustainable urban development.

Expert Panelists


12:30 pm- A light lunch will be provided for all attendees
1:00 pm- Opening remarks fromHolger Dalkmann, Director, EMBARQ
1:10 pm- "Saving Lives with Sustainable Transport",Nicolae Duduta, Associate Transport Planner, EMBARQ
1:30 - 2:30 pm- Expert Panel dialogue on Sustainable Transport and Traffic Safety
2:30 - 3:15 pm- Discussion with the audience


10 G St. NE, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20002


Please RSVP to Aaron Minnick ataaron.minnick@wri.orgno later than December 3, 2013.

Photo by EMBARQ Mexico.