Developing countries will need约5310亿美元of additional investments in clean energy technologies every year in order to limit global temperature rise to 2°C above pre-industrial levels, thus preventing climate change’s worst impacts. To attract investments on the scale required, developing country governments, with support from developed countries, must undertake “readiness” activities that will encourage public and private sector investors to put their money into climate-friendly projects.

WRI的六部分博客系列动员清洁能源融资,重点介绍了个人发展中国家在扩大清洁能源投资方面的经验,并探讨了气候融资在解决投资障碍中的作用。必威官网是真的吗案件借鉴了WRI最近的报告,Mobilizing Climate Investment

印度尼西亚地热能领域的发展,以及沿途的起点和停止的发展一个有趣的案例研究on how to create readiness for low-carbon energy. By addressing barriers such as pricing distortions and resource-exploration risks, the country has begun to create a favorable climate for geothermal investment.


印度尼西亚拥有世界上最大的地热力量来源,估计潜力为27 gw。但是,迄今为止,只有不到5%的潜力已经发展。印度尼西亚在1970年代开始探索其地热资源,并得到许多发达国家政府的支持。该国在1990年代推进地热发展方面取得了一些进展。但是,在1997 - 98年亚洲金融危机期间,发展陷入困境,恢复缓慢。


The Indonesian government took a number of steps to try to advance geothermal development and received support from a wide range of international partners, including multilateral development banks and developed country governments. In 2003, it passed a law to promote private sector investment in geothermal, establishing a target of 6,000MW installed capacity by 2020.


The8th Asia Clean Energy Forum本周在菲律宾马尼拉举行。它汇集了来自政府,国家和跨国公司,私营部门,民间社会等各种专家,以分享政策,技术和金融方面的最佳实践,以应对该地区的气候和能源安全挑战。必威官网是真的吗WRI的专家正在进行许多小组讨论。Aman Srivastava将谈论WRI最近报告的话题:Mobilizing Climate Finance: The Role of Climate Finance in Creating an Enabling Environment for Investment in Clean Energy

Although the new law was a step in the right direction, the pricing regulations for geothermal energy continued to discourage potential developers, as there was no certainty that they could sell the power produced at a rate that would recoup their investment costs.

Furthermore, under the 2003 law, the developer had to bear the full cost of exploration of a potential site – taking on the considerable risk that the site may prove not to be financially viable to develop.

In 2010, Indonesia hosted the World Geothermal Conference. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonoannounced lofty ambitionsfor Indonesia’s geothermal sector. The following year, the government announced that it would establish a fund to support geothermal exploration, thereby taking on some of the risk previously borne by developers. After a number of changes to the pricing regulations for geothermal power, the government announced a feed-in-tariff last year that sets prices for different regions of Indonesia based on their different costs of producing geothermal energy.

What Lies Ahead for Indonesia’s Geothermal Energy Sector?

Although geothermal investment has been slow to pick up since the Asian financial crisis and Indonesia is not likely to meet its ambitious geothermal targets, significant changes in the last few years have addressed some important barriers to investment.

该案例研究突出了importance of addressing price distortions- 没有反映不同类型能源生产的真实成本的价格 -creating a stable pricing policy这使投资者的确定性和对政府促进该部门的承诺的信心。它还突出了平衡探索风险的重要性so that it is not borne entirely by the developer.

International partners have played an important role in helping to create an attractive investment climate in Indonesia’s geothermal sector. But ultimately, the government’s actions have been pivotal in addressing the major barriers to investment.

Moving forward, the government needs to continue to ensure a stable and attractive climate for geothermal investment, while also ensuring that the development of the sector isgoverned in a transparent way,向所有相关的利益相关者和坚持强大的环境和社会保障措施。这尤其重要,因为印度尼西亚地热潜力的很大一部分位于in its forests,这是其土著人民的家。尽管最近的政策变化的影响仍有待观察,但印度尼西亚似乎正在迈出一条途径,可以在未来十年内看到其地热部门的投资扩大。