国际气候行动今天迈出了令人鼓必威官网是真的吗舞的一步。奥巴马总统reached agreementswith the G-20 and with China to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), potent greenhouse gases used in appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners.

新协议(如果有效执行)可能会在短期和长期变暖中造成凹痕:latest data美国环境保护局(EPA)从2010年至2030年之间投射全球HFC排放量将增加四倍以上。全球phasteown可能会限制这些危险的温室气体的增长。




而美国(与加拿大和墨西哥)一起提出了根据《蒙特利尔协议》的国际HFC排放案的国际票房past four years,历史上其他国家一直不愿意表示支持。作为协议的一部分,来自26个国家(G-20国家)的领导人表达了他们的支持for “multilateral approaches that include using the expertise and the institutions of the Montreal Protocol to phase down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), based on the examination of economically viable and technically feasible alternatives.” Notably, this includes nations like India and Brazil, which have historically been hesitant to commit to phasing down the use of HFCs. China has also traditionally been wary of using the Montreal Protocol for this purpose, but began to change course in June when the United States and China released a joint statement using similar language to today’s G-20 agreement.

2) U.S. and China Move Forward on HFC Action

今天还看到了与中国的另一项协议,该协议是在6月的较早进展中,当时奥巴马总统和习近平总统发布联合声明表明他们对HFC阶段的承诺。今天的声明基于美国与中国之间关于气候变化问题的越来越多的合作模式,该问题始于4月必威官网是真的吗美国 - 中国气候变化联合声明必威官网是真的吗。It was followed by the June HFC statement and the七月的战略和经济对话气候变化报告必威官网是真的吗。今天的协议将HFC声明进一步迈出了一步,两国表示他们将努力建立“一个开放式联系小组,以考虑所有相关问题”。



These two new agreements build on the domestic action that the United States has recently taken to address its own HFC emissions. As part of the National Climate Action Plan, President Obama导演EPAto use its authority to prohibit certain uses of HFCs that would do great damage to the climate, while identifying and approving climate-friendly alternatives.Recent WRI analysis发现除了发电厂,减少美国对HFC的使用是使该国达到其国际承诺将排放量减少17%以下2005年至2020年所需的下一步减少来源。

Building Toward Global Climate Action
