
COVID-19大流行促使人们对全球粮食系统进行了重大反思和关注。尽管科学目前不确定,但大流行may have arisen from an animal source in wet markets。无论消息来源如何,它对人们的食物和营养安全的影响都是急剧:在当前危机之前,估计8.2亿人were going to bed hungry each night. Now an estimated additional130 millionmay experience crisis levels of hunger due to the pandemic, on top of the 135 million already on the brink of starvation.

即使在像美国这样的高收入国家,夜间新闻也显示了田野里腐烂的场景,而成千上万的人由于收入损失和市场失败而导致的食物发掘队列队列。在发展中国家,许多农民无法出售农作物的问题更为严重,而食物将浪费,因为营销渠道已被破坏 - 威胁the the world’s 500 million smallholder farms以及数十亿个依赖它们的生计和浪费宝贵的食物。A human tragedy is unfolding before our eyes.

我们不能 - 不得不 - 让这一发生。立即采取有目的的行动,以实现更公平,更营养,更可持续性和更具弹性的食物和土地利用系统,这是世界对Covid-19的反应的核心。这首先是紧急人道主义优先事项,要求措施support farmers in crisis,确保农产品到达市场to get food to vulnerable people in cities and refugee camps。但是,每个国家也都有机会播种更可持续,长期恢复的种子,从而减少了未来大流行的可能性并增强了社会的韧性。就像世界必须“更好地建立”从危机中,我们也必须“更好地发展”。


TheFood and Land Use Coalition(包括WRI和GAIN在内的Folu)发布了三部分call to actionintended to address the crisis and to enable such a recovery to take place.

First, governments need to保持开放式贸易并保持世界各地的食物供应。大型食品出口国应该明确表明,他们将继续为国际市场和客户提供充分的供应。进口国必须保持港口和边界的开放,同时继续确保适当的食品安全规定。一次非凡的会议G20农业部长和international institutions on April 21 called for all countries to keep agricultural trade markets open, so far with relative success. Vietnam, the third largest rice exporter, lifted its temporary export ban and helped stabilize prices. We must avoid the behaviour of the 2007-8 food crisis at all costs, when one third of countries restricted trade and150 million people fell into poverty。There is enough food in the world, but we must make sure that it is fairly distributed and accessible to all. China has given one powerful example of ensuring market access through its绿色渠道政策, enabling food to be fast-tracked both within provinces and at ports.

Second, governments (with the help of the private and philanthropic sectors) need to adopt urgent measures to strengthen and expand their目标食品和营养计划和收入安全网络以进行社会保护。印度的Anganwadi centers就是一个例子,哥伦比亚的网络也是如此哥伦比亚哥伦比亚’,确保为弱势家庭提供食物。国际社会 - 多边和双边机构都必须动员大量的额外快速资源,以支持低收入国家,尤其是撒哈拉以南非洲的国家,以确保他们能够生产和进口所需的食物来养活他们的人群。。

Third, governments across the world should ensure that the food and land use sector is properly funded with thelong-term capital and incentives需要奖励营养,负担得起的食物的供应。食物和土地使用部门应成为任何财政刺激包装的中心支柱。投资应专注于增加粮食供应链的弹性和多样性,reducing food loss and waste,开发区域粮食系统,为农民和农村社区提供重要的社会保护,从而加速了整个价值链的数字化和透明度,并重建自然资本。这最后一点一定不能忽略:没有Tho保护和恢复世界上关键的剩余生态系统, and a concerted effort to curb the wildlife trade.

FOLU’s country platforms inAustralia,China,Colombia,埃塞俄比亚,印度,印度尼西亚, theNordic countries和the英国are engaging with key decision-makers to advance these arguments. Where appropriate, we are arguing that countries should consider establishing an influential, cross-disciplinary taskforce to guide the response to COVID-19 in this direction, ensuring that the best thinking on food, nutrition and land use is at the heart of governments’ response to the pandemic. The role of finance ministries in such deliberations is paramount. We are also arguing for the need for such thinking to be at the heart of the response of international institutions to the pandemic.

Planting New Seeds for Food and Agricultural Systems

The next 2-3 years will witness the largest injection of public funding into the world economy in history —an estimated $10-20 trillion。This will likely be followed by a period of much tighter fiscal policies as debts are repaid. The purpose of this vast injection of funding is to protect people, restore livelihoods and rebuild the economy after what is expected to be the worst crisis since the Great Depression. The nutrition, food and land use sectors should be central to government strategies everywhere. A suite of interventions ranging from the immediate injection of funding into targeted nutrition programmes, to investment for longer term agricultural productivity growth and ecosystem protection and restoration, could be a historic gift to farmers, consumers and the world’s food system.

Policymakers everywhere rightly want to restore livelihoods and restart the economy. In this brief period ahead of us, they can also reset the way food and agricultural systems operate. It is vital that we do not simply build back the same unequal, non-inclusive, risky and high-carbon systems of the past — nor systems which have led to such high rates of malnutrition, obesity and biodiversity loss. We must grow back better too.


  • EDITOR'S NOTE, 5/12/20:本文发表后,我们修改了两个事实。先前的版本表明,由于19日大流行,有2.65亿人将面临极端的饥饿。实际上,它是1.35亿人,除了在Covid-19爆发之前已经面临饥饿的1.35亿人。我们还错误地指出,世界上有5亿小农户,而不是5亿小农场。我们后悔错误。