The ocean contributes$1.5 trillion annually全球经济并确保生计10-12 percentof the world’s population. But there’s another reason to protect marine ecosystems—they’re crucial for curbing climate change.

A Key Moment for the Ocean and Climate Action

Today is世界海洋日,距第一次联合国海洋会议截至一年。今年将成为海洋行动的关键。英联邦的53个成员国通过了英联邦蓝色宪章在海洋行动上今年早些时候,一项计划保护珊瑚礁,恢复红树林并消除塑料污染等计划。海洋保护是即将举行的G7会议的核心。肯尼亚正在举行就职典礼Blue Economy Conferencein November. And substantial negotiations fora new UN treatyfor conservation of the high seas will begin in September.

今年也是国际气候行动的转折点。必威官网是真的吗根据《巴黎气候变化协议》(称为)必威官网是真的吗Talanoa Dialogue, is currently underway, and is expected to highlight opportunities forcountries to further advance climate action. Countries are also expected to agree later this year on a实施巴黎协议的规则手册.

The ocean and coastal ecosystems provide an untapped, nature-based climate solution that needs to be part of both conversations.


The Ocean As a Climate Solution

“Blue carbon” ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrass meadows and kelp forests are10 times more effectiveat sequestering carbon dioxide on a per area basis per year than boreal, temperate or tropical forests, and abouttwice as effectiveat storing carbon in their soil and biomass. They also play a crucial role in protecting coastal infrastructure and communities from climate impacts, including extreme weather events.

  • 红树林are found in 123 countries and territories and估计覆盖全球超过150,000平方公里。红树林从风和海浪中造成缓冲沿海社区,作为防风暴和海平面上升的一线防御。
  • 如果世界仅停止了一半的沿海湿地损失的一半,那将会将排放量减少0.23 gigatonnes, Spain’s total annual emissions in 2013.
  • 将沿海湿地恢复到1990年的范围将增加每年的碳固执160 megatonnes a year, equivalent to offsetting the burning of 77.4 million tonnes of coal.

海洋保护区can help support biodiversity. Photo by NOAA
海洋保护区can help support biodiversity. Photo by NOAA

National Climate Commitments: An Opportunity to Advance Action on Climate and the Ocean

Countries have made commitments to advance climate action in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the ocean and coastal ecosystems are currently underrepresented in these commitments.


  • 创建或保护蓝色碳生态系统(包括海洋保护区). This includes establishing buffer zones to reduce impacts from adjacent land use and allowing mangroves to migrate inland in response to sea level rise.
  • Reforesting or rehabilitating degraded blue carbon ecosystems.
  • Introducing incentives to create new or protect existing blue carbon ecosystems on privately owned land, including through access to carbon markets.
  • 国家温室气体清单中包括确保蓝色碳生态系统的缓解潜力。

Recognizing the Blue Carbon Economy

Of course, curbing climate change isn’t the only reason to invest in ocean and coastal ecosystem protection. Coastal ecosystems can also strengthen coastal communities’ resilience to natural hazards—including storms (mangroves absorb the energy of storm-driven waves and wind), flooding, erosion and fire. Wetlands provide nurseries for the many species of fish that support economies and improve food security. And marine protected areas can also protect biodiversity.

Fighting climate change is just yet another benefit the ocean provides us. It’s time to start recognizing its protection as a climate change solution.