In the lead up to the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, adopted in 2015, more than 160 countries and the European Union submitted their own plans to address climate change, known as预定的国家确定的贡献(INDC)。According to the global climate pact, a country’s INDC is converted to a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) when it formally joins the Paris Agreement by submitting an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, unless a country decides otherwise.

NDC介绍了国家为达到《巴黎协定》的长期温度目标的努力,即将变暖限制在2°C以下(3.6°F)以下,并努力保持在1.5°C以下(2.7°F)以下。即使目前的承诺已完全实施,变暖也有望达到2。7°C to 3.7°C在整个世纪的过程中,为危险的海平面上升,增强了极端事件和其他影响,使世界踏上了危险的海平面。幸运的是,有几个特征在《巴黎协定》中,随着时间的流逝,协议可以帮助加强国家承诺。例如,《巴黎协定的当事方》有机会在2020年之前进行交流或更新其NDC,并在此后每五年继续这样做,以增强野心。

一些国家直到2020年才等待改变其国家气候承诺。必威官网是真的吗随着国家批准《巴黎协定》,一些人决定修改其INDC并将其作为其第一个NDC的一部分进行交流。到目前为止,在传达NDC的169个国家中,有15个提供了​​一项与INDC不同的计划:阿根廷,贝宁,巴哈马,伯利兹,加拿大,法国,1,,,,Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Mali, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan2,乌拉圭和委内瑞拉。此外,加入巴黎协议的三个国家要求批准后,他们的INDC不会转换为NDC:Brunei Darussalam,厄瓜多尔和菲律宾。




  • 阿根廷将其GHG目标类型更改为其NDC中的固定级目标,并指定到2030年将不会超过483 mtco2e的净排放,并采用有条件的措施,可以将排放进一步降低到2030年的369 mtco2eq。通过消除与先前INDC目标所需的基线预测相关的不确定性来加强目标。尽管主要是改善温室气库库存方法的结果,但与INDC目标所隐含的569.5 mtCO2E相比,NDC目标在2030年的排放水平也较低(低于670 MTCO2E的业务水平低15%))。
  • Indonesia,虽然坚持从业务级别降低29%(有条件地降低41%)的相同目标,但将其基线排放水平从INDC的2,881 mTCO2E修改为NDC中的2,869 mtco2e。因此,它的温室气体目标现在转化为目标年度绝对排放的较低水平。
  • Moroccostrengthened its target by stating further reductions, moving from an unconditional 13 percent reduction from business-as-usual emissions levels by 2030 (and a 31 percent conditional reduction) in its INDC to a 17 percent unconditional reduction (41 percent conditional) in its NDC.


  • Morocco现在提出详细的文件夹of 55 unconditional and conditional mitigation actions, along with cost estimates and emissions-reduction potential for 2030. Examples with the highest emissions-reduction potential include: putting in place multiple wind farms, thermodynamic concentrated solar power and photovoltaic power plants in multiple areas by 2020; importing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and use of LPG for electricity generation in combined cycle power plants to reach 3,550 MW by 2025; and recycling household waste through co-incineration and mechanical biological treatment; among others.
  • Nepal添加到14个列表中贡献到2020年,将可再生能源在其能源组合中扩大20%的目标,并将其能源消耗模式多样化为更多的工业和商业领域。
  • 巴基斯坦到2030年,增加了一个有条件的温室气体目标,可减少从业务 - 平常水平的20%,以及能源供应,能源需求和农业领域的缓解选择列表。
  • Sri Lanka加了第七贡献对于将现有的燃油基于液化天然气转换为液化天然气的能源部门,并在其NDC中添加了更多细节,以了解其他部门缓解,废物,工业和林业领域的部门缓解策略。
  • Uruguay添加非GHG目标对于包括能源,运输,农业,土地利用,土地利用变革和林业在内的多个部门,伴随着详细的措施,包括可再生能源的增加能力,在汽油和柴油中采用生物燃料以及维持100%的本地森林地区到2025年,等等。
  • 委内瑞拉introduced theLey de Semillas(2015) (Law of Seeds) for enhanced seed management as part of its series of actions and programs addressing climate change.



  • 阿根廷elaborated its adaptation needs by including a full “adaptation component” in its NDC, including discussion on national circumstances, vulnerability and impacts, current efforts and adaptation needs. This information will lay the foundation for its National Adaptation Plan.
  • 伯利兹表示打算在其INDC的后期提供有关适应的信息。在其NDC中,适应章节描述了伯利兹的脆弱性,近期适应措施和共同利益以及为在优先部门(例如沿海和海洋资源和农业)建立弹性的主要行动。
  • Benin包括一张详细的针对2020年,2025年和2030年适应的部门目标表,并在适应措施的附件表中提供了更多细节。
  • Canada’s NDC recognizes the importance of building climate resilience.
  • Indonesia将其气候弹性策略从INDC的附件转移到NDC中的主要文本。必威官网是真的吗
  • 马里’s NDC now includes discussions on adaptation needs and action plans with cost estimates through 2020-2030, in addition to the 2015-2020 period previously included in the INDC.
  • Morocco包括有关其在水,农业和海上渔业等部门中易受气候影响的详细部分。必威官网是真的吗NDC还阐述了其2020年和2030年的量化部门适应目标,以及部门战略,行动计划,计划和计划,以实施这些目标。
  • Sri Lanka’s NDC elaborated its adaptation contributions for its most vulnerable sectors, such as health, food security (agriculture, livestock and fisheries), water and irrigation, coastal and marine resources, biodiversity, urban infrastructure and human settlements, and tourism and recreation.
  • 巴基斯坦确定了其NDC中其适应性和优先事项。
  • Uruguay详细阐述了其适应措施,并确定了对缓解和适应产生影响的措施。

9 Countries Improved Their Transparency

  • 阿根廷,,,,Canada,,,,MoroccoUruguayhave now specified the level of emissions that will result if their NDCs are achieved. This transparency is critically important because it provides an indication of where emissions are headed.
  • 伯利兹communicated the anticipated emissions reductions from its actions.
  • 包括国家Benin,,,,Morocco,,,,巴基斯坦Sri Lankapresented more information on how their NDCs will be implemented and monitored.


While the number of countries that strengthened their climate efforts while converting their INDCs to NDCs is encouraging, we also found examples of NDCs that indicate lowered ambition or less clarity about efforts. Such changes run counter to the Paris Agreement and could make it more challenging to rapidly curb emissions and close the排放差距

一些国家还从其NDC中删除了目标。例如,新西兰消除d references to sectoral targets and a long-term target; however, since then, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has committed the country to到2050年将其碳足迹零零The Bahamas到2030年,将其目标降低30%以下30%以下30%的目标,但删除了将该目标转化为2002年30%的描述。删除这一数字会带来更多的不确定性,因为目标年份的排放不再为清除。

其他国家修订了其NDC,这可能是由于早期的NDC在巴黎警察面前做好了准备的结果。Benin例如,经过修订的NDC包括在2021年至2030年之间从能源和农业部门降低略大的措施,但总体上会发现累计排放量更高。马里remains a net sink of emissions in 2030, given that its land sector will continue to absorb more emissions than the country will emit; however, Mali’s new NDC presents a less ambitious unconditional net sequestration target of -12.7 MtCO2e in 2030, compared to its previous pledge of -33.6 MtCO2e in 2030.

None of these changes compare to the negative message sent by the United States. In July 2017, President Trump indicated that the country would “immediately cease implementation目前确定的贡献。”在国内,特朗普政府系统地揭示了美国大部分国内气候政策,特朗普总统宣布打算退出巴黎协定。必威官网是真的吗

Step Up for Climate Action



Want to learn more about national climate commitments under the Paris Agreement? See our page什么是INDC?和visit Climate Watch to探索国家INDC和NDCS的全文

2巴基斯坦还取代了其原始INDC提交( = 643)在提交其修订后的NDC时,在Indc提交门户上。