
官方发布在一月份的2018年Talanoa对话中,各国现在正在开始对集体努力进行首次全球评估以实现the Paris goals. Global stocktakes are a core part of the regular five-year cycles built into the Agreement to ramp up ambition and action.

Webinar: How Can You Engage with the Talanoa Dialogue?

加入我们网络研讨会讨论2月15日9:00 EDT / 2:00P GMT,我们将讨论如何与Talanoa对话进行互动。请登记提前。

Talanoa is a traditional Pacific island term that describes a conversational sharing of ideas and experience that leads to decision-making for the greater good. As envisioned in the联合国最近的气候谈判必威官网是真的吗在斐济的带领下,塔拉诺阿对话旨在建立信任并提高野心,最终导致政府的承诺在2020年到2020年加强其国家确定的贡献(NDC),并与家中的利益相关者合作,以确定前进的最佳方式。


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Unlike most formal processes in UN climate talks, the Talanoa Dialogue isn’t limited to discussion among national governments. A range of non-state actors – cities, states and regions, businesses, civil society groups and international institutions -- are playing key roles in building climate action. During the Talanoa process, they will have an opportunity to highlight the powerful synergies between their actions and countries’ ambition.

2017年通过的对话的路线图为这些声音从有意义的参与打开了大门。A新的在线门户is “the central point for everyone to make their views heard around enhanced ambition,” according to Patricia Espinosa, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)the UN’s top climate change official. Analysis and policy recommendations from interested non-state actors responding to at least one of the three central questions can be submitted by April 2 to inform the UN climate negotiations in May or by October 29 for the high-level political segment duringCOP24在波兰的卡托维斯。


