巴黎协定创建了国际框架概述whatgovernments and wider stakeholders need to do to strengthen the global response to climate change and limit the temperature increase to 1.5 - 2 degrees C. The international community now needs to flesh outhow全球响应将由精心策划。

The Paris Agreement’s “rule book” will establish the rules and processes needed to provide the operational guidance for fulfilling the ambition of the Agreement and providing clarity on countries’ efforts to reach the global goal. It will include details on several fronts:

  • 各国如何在适应,气候融资,技术和能力建设的转移以及如何对其承担责任负责的方面交流他们的努力;必威官网是真的吗
  • How collective efforts will be reviewed, leading to scaled-up actions and support every five years; and
  • How to create a process to facilitate implementation and promote compliance.



  1. We need to better measure and manage climate action and support。The varying quality and level of information included in countries’ national climate plans, called their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), or in their national reports, prevents the full assessment of individual and collective efforts, and can limit the development of trust among countries.
  2. 我们需要按照正确的速度扩大行动和支持。国家提交的NDC不足以实现巴黎协议的目标,因为根据最新UNEP Gap Report,如果完全实施,并且满足提交中突出的条件,则只能将变暖限制为3.0摄氏度。因此,我们将需要有效的机制来盘点进步,以确定和抓住进一步行动的机会,并增加集体努力,从2018年开始
  3. We must design the rules in a way that preserves environmental integrity and prevents free-riding。如果没有强大的规则,可以计算两次的减少或支持,从而导致实际的全球温室气体(GHG)的排放量更高或支持动员的低于所报告的。



  • 定时: With the Agreement’s entry into force faster than expected by many, the first session of the Agreement’s governing body, CMA1 (the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement) will open at COP 22 in Marrakech. It will likely need to be extended beyond COP 22 to allow enough time (two years) to design these important rules in an inclusive and participatory manner.
  • Political sensitivities:与电流不同测量报告和验证制度这为发达国家和发展中国家设定了不同的要求,新的透明度框架设置了适用于所有国家的更强大的规定。但是,各方在《巴黎协定》中同意,新制度必须包括“建立灵活性”,以容纳各国的不同能力,并允许他们提高随着时间的推移提交信息的质量。马拉喀什的谈判必须防止陷入分叉的方法,而是开始建设性地讨论灵活性如何在共同方法中起作用。
  • Capacity needs:Although significant efforts have been undertaken to build capacity in developing countries, many developing countries still lack the necessary support, tools, technical expertise and institutional capacity to fulfill their existing and new requirements, especially for transparency. Failure to address these capacity needs may undermine developing countries’ readiness to fully engage in the design of the rules.
  • 网络of complex, interconnected issues:正如纸上突出的Staying on Track from Paris:推进《巴黎协定》的关键要素,在进行详细的起草练习之前,各方需要确定透明度框架的输出将为集体努力的审查提供信息,或触发对不符合规定的考虑,以及如何使NDCS和国家进度报告的信息要求对齐。
  • Effectiveness of the process:鉴于京都协议的41个国家,建立和实施196个国家的游戏规则更为复杂,资源更大,鉴于各种各样的行动和所涉及国家发展的不同阶段。巴黎创造的野心机制将如何有效地推动野心和国家驱动的方法还有待观察。谈判者将需要仔细检查并基于INFCCC内部和外部的现有过程。

What to Expect at COP22?

Negotiators will not adopt the rule book in Marrakech given the short timeframe to address the key issues highlighted above. But significant discussions will take place in plenaries, during side events and behind the scenes to clarify concepts and manage some sensitive issues.

By the end of the two negotiating weeks, we expect five main outcomes:

  1. Lessons will be learnedfrom the existing review process and emerging from the workshops and negotiating sessions scheduled during the COP, helping to inform efforts to make the new regime more robust and effective.
  2. We will have a game plan在2018年之前,将规则,指南和程序最终确定,概述了《公约下的各个机构》如何共同努力并互相告知。
  3. 能力将建造通过在马拉喀什建立新成立的巴黎委员会成立和运营;运营透明度(CBIT)的能力建设计划并增加其资金from the $35 million already pledged by the United States, the UK and Canadain May this year; and ensuring synergies and alignment among initiatives (e.g. such as theInitiative for Climate Action Transparency – ICATand theInternational Partnership for Mitigation and MRV)。
  4. 野心机制的投入将在,包括对政府间气候变化(IPCC)的评估。必威官网是真的吗
  5. 2018将被视为关键的一年both for adoption of the rulebook and for use of the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue as a springboard for an enhanced, more ambitious round of NDCS by 2020, maintaining a chance to peak emissions by 2020 as recommended by science.
