每一次联合国气候谈必威官网是真的吗判都会带来一连串的行话,甚至专家也很难理解。Marrakech的COP22this year is no exception.

尽管这些词,短语和首字母词可能很复杂且令人困惑,但它们非常重要 - 不仅是为了谈判,而且对于我们所有人都关心在失控的全球变暖中的人。



COP:当事方会议或197个国家的年度聚会加入联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC),必威官网是真的吗1992年通过的一项国际环境条约稳定了全球温室气体排放。今年在马拉喀什的警察是摩洛哥22nd, hence COP22.

派对: A country or regional group (like the EU) that has joined a particular international agreement, such as the UNFCCC or the Paris Agreement.

巴黎协议:一种n international climate change agreement under the UNFCCCadopted by 196 Partieslast year at COP21 in Paris.

长期目标:巴黎协定建立的全球目标。其中包括将全球温度升高至2度C(3.6摄氏度),并追求将其限制在工业前水平以上的1.5度C(2.7度F)上,并达到零零排放(在其中温室气体排放的情况下,not exceed what the world’s carbon sinks can absorb) in the second half of this century. All Parties to the Paris Agreement have agreed to take action in their own countries to collectively achieve these long-term goals.

INDC和NDC:INDC或intended nationally determined contribution,指的是163个国家气候计划国家已向联合国提交给联合国(它必威官网是真的吗们来自190个国家,因为欧盟为其28个成员国提交了一个国家)。大多数规定了减少排放目标,适应计划和其他气候行动目标。必威官网是真的吗INDC成为NDC或全国确定的捐款正式加入the Paris Agreement and become Parties.

批准,接受和批准:当事人通过巴黎COP21通过了《巴黎协定》之后,他们需要正式加入it.各方通过完成其国家要求国际条约的任何国内批准程序,然后向联合国提交正式文件,称为批准,接受或批准的手段。至今,97 Parties representing almost 70 percentof global emissions have ratified the Paris Agreement. There will be a ratification event during COP22 where countries that have not yet ratified will have the opportunity to do so.

生效:当《巴黎协定》完全生效时。这发生在55个国家至少占全球温室气体排放量的55%之后的30天加入协议。Entry into force occurred on November 4th, years before many expected it to.

The Nitty-Gritty

CMA1:Shorthand to describe the first巴黎协定的官方会议。(首字母缩写词的来源更加麻烦:C当事方作为m巴黎的当事方一种greement.) This will happen at COP22 because the Paris Agreement has already entered into force. TheCm一种is now the official governing body of the Agreement, and at CMA1, Parties will make key decisions regarding the Agreement’s rules and processes.

Suspension:虽然CMA1将与COP22结合发生,但许多人期望它会扩展and picked back up at subsequent COP meetings. This will give Parties more time to hammer out the rules and procedures of the Agreement, which are critical to its successful implementation. Parties may also agree to a fixed date when CMA1 will conclude.

方式,程序和准则(MPG): Essentially the rulebook that needs to be developed to provide Parties with the guidance needed to implement the various elements of the Paris Agreement aimed at achieving itslong-term goals,包括透明度,NDC和其他问题。这些MPG将在未来几年由各方谈判。

UNDCCCbodies:In addition to the COP and CMA, a number of other bodies are key to developing themPGs。These are theAPA(巴黎协定的临时工作组)这是在COP21建立的谈判机构,旨在准备加入《巴黎协定》和SBI(实施子公司)andSBSTA(技术和科学建议的子公司),bodies established under the UNFCCC to provide technical support to the Parties.

一种mbition Mechanism:The various elements of the Paris Agreement that combine to增加野心随着时必威官网是真的吗间的推移,气候行动以确保实现《巴黎协定的长期目标》。

Global Stocktake:集体进步的集体时刻朝着实现《巴黎协定》的长期目标。它将从2023年开始每五年发生一次,并将告知新的NDC的提交。

促进对话2018:The first moment where countries will have the opportunity to take stock of initial progress and inform the updating or submission of NDCs ahead of 2020. Parties have yet to identify a process for designing what this moment will look like. The agenda for Facilitative Dialogue 2018 will feature prominently in discussions at COP22.

$100 Billion Goal: A target established in 2009 at COP15 in Copenhagen, where developed countries committed to mobilize $100 billion a year of financial support by 2020 from public and private sources in order to help developing nations mitigate and adapt to climate change. The1000亿美元的路线图指发达国家的计划,在巴黎的COP21要求,released in October今年,他们将如何提高公共和私人资源的资金水平以实现目标。

适应基金:一种fund created in 2001, the last time the COP was in Marrakech, to support adaptation projects in developing countries. It was designed to serve the Kyoto Protocol, but with the Protocol’s commitment period ending in 2020, the Fund’s future is uncertain. At COP22, countries will consider whether and how the Adaptation Fund can support the Paris Agreement.

非国家演员:一种ny non-country entity, such as a city, a business or an industry group. Because NDCs alone不会限制全球温度升至1.5-2摄氏度,非国家参与者的气候作用必威官网是真的吗很关键

全球气候行动必威官网是真的吗: The official COP22 platform for non-state actors to announce their climate initiatives. This platform was previously known as the Lima-Paris Action Agenda.

必威官网是真的吗气候冠军:一种new role at COP22. Two “champions,” Climate Change Ambassador for France Laurence Tubiana and Minister Delegate of Environment for Morocco Hakima El Haité will drum up action from all COP attendees, with a particular focus on non-state actors. A new climate champion, representing the Presidency of the following year’s COP, will replace an existing one every year.

Eliza Northrop, Joe Thwaites, Cynthia Elliott and David Waskow also contributed to this blog post.