





At the UNFCCC climate negotiations in 2010, countries agreed to share information every two years about policies and actions they have in place or plan to undertake to address climate change, based on their national priorities and circumstances. This verification process was differentiated between developed and developing countries resulting in an international consultation and analysis (ICA) of biennial update reports (BUR) for developing countries and an international assessment and review (IAR) of developed countries’ biennial reports (BRs). ICA and IAR consist of two steps: a country-level assessment undertaken by technical experts, followed by an open discussion with their peers about the efforts and progress made. The verification process agreed in Paris builds largely upon this experience.

经过last year, all developed countries had their plans scrutinized by their peers. At this Bonn session, 13发展中国家(including Brazil, South Africa, Singapore and the Republic of Korea) are completing their verification cycle through what is called a“观点的促进分享”(简称FSV)。这是一个非常重要的时刻,因为发展中国家以前从未受到过审查,更不用说在多边环境中进行了审查了。


Moving from daunting to empowering: How can the transparency framework help developing countries manage?


好消息是,自巴黎气候谈判以建立这一能力以来,已经建立了各种举措。必威官网是真的吗美国,加拿大和英国已经承诺向3500万加元透明度的能力建设计划(CBIT), established under the Paris Agreement, through the Global Environment Facility. And the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), Germany, Italy and the ClimateWorks Foundation have pledged $16 million to the气候动作透明度(ICAT)的倡必威官网是真的吗议,它致力于为世界各地的决策者提供工具和支持,以衡量和评估其气候行动的影响。必威官网是真的吗



Yes, there are a number of opportunities both inside and outside the formal climate negotiations.

Within the UNFCCC, the design and implementation of the enhanced verification regime under the Paris Agreement can build upon the lessons from the first round of ICA and IAR. For instance, by introducing an intensive and thorough exercise for about 142 countries, the new review process will generate significant demand on the time, human and financial resources of the Secretariat and of governments. The Secretariat has struggled to find trained experts available to support this intensive review exercise. Tapping into the technical expertise and human resources of academics, NGOs and think tanks could help address this challenge.


  • empower citizens and wider stakeholders to participate in the design of national policies and the international verification process;

  • provide better access to information to enable informed engagement and effective evidence-based decisions;

  • 强调各国可持续发展努力的共同利益;和

  • 利用政府,国际组织,企业,城市和其他人的合作计划,以帮助或超越国家气候承诺(例如,任务创新,市长的契约,国际太阳能联盟,非洲可再生能源倡议等)必威官网是真的吗


Opportunities to enhance transparency are also available outside of the UNFCCC. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) established a taskforce in December 2015 aimed at highlighting the companies’ financial exposure to the risks of climate change. The task force is developing a voluntary, industry-led code for investors, insurers, banks and consumers to disclose more public information about the way they manage climate risks. This can help align public and private financial flows with a zero-carbon and climate-resilient trajectory, while also increasing companies’ and investors’ awareness and management of the effects of climate change and climate policy. France is the世界上的第一个国家to require its financial institutions to report the financial risks of their investments and measures adopted to mitigate that risk. Other countries should be inspired to follow their lead.

透明度和问责制很少在国际气候谈判中窃取头条新闻,但他们将在成功实施《巴黎协定》中发挥关键作用。必威官网是真的吗在华盛顿特区最近举行的201必威官网是真的吗6年气候行动峰会上,摩洛哥H.E.王国环境部长Hakima El Haite博士说,未来几个月和几年的主要挑战之一将是维持和增加信任,并加深国家与更广泛的利益相关者之间的合作。信任的先决条件?透明度。