Attention to climate action has been high, especially two weeks ago when representatives from 175 countries signed the Paris Agreement, making it themost-signed international treaty一天之内。本周,另一组演员汇集了衡量气候变化的措施,这些措施超出了联合国气候谈判。必威官网是真的吗

Climate Action 2016自去年COP21以来,峰会将是最大的气候演员聚会。必威官网是真的吗该峰会以商业和金融,城市,学术界和其他民间社会组织的领导人为特色,将引起人们对全球非国家气候倡议多样性的关注。必威官网是真的吗

这se types of efforts support countries in delivering their national climate plans and in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and can also drive nations to greater ambition:


在《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCC必威官网是真的吗C)提交的162个国家气候计划或预定的全国性贡献(INDC)中,129包括扩大可再生能源的计划。尽管各国可能有独立的目标,但许多合作计划可以支持他们在满足他们时。例如,任务创新, launched in 2015, is the collaborative endeavor of 20 countries intent on accelerating clean energy innovation. Their commitment to double the amount of funding for clean energy research and development over five years could lead to a number of advancements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The非洲可再生能源倡议is another new initiative that aims to build large-scale renewable energy installations in Africa. Others include RE100, a global initiatives of companies committed to 100% renewable energy, the International Solar Alliance, the SIDS Lighthouse Initiative and many more.

Forests and Land Use

土地部门是气候行动的重要领域,因为它会产生必威官网是真的吗大约25%的全球排放,在森林发展中国家,大约38个INDC包括在其INDC中缓解森林的目标。《巴黎协定》提供了帮助各国遏制森林砍伐的重要工具,但此外,许多合作计划将有所帮助。国家和地方政府,公司和民间社会组织继续对《纽约森林宣言》做出承诺,这是一项全球倡议,旨在到2020年削减森林损失,完全到2030年。倡议20x20在拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区AFR100in Africa, both committed to restoring deforested and degraded land, are mutually supportive.


One hundred and ten countries included goals in their INDCs to reduce emissions from the transportation sector. Efforts like the双重公共交通策略(PTX2)which aims to double the market share of public transport worldwide by 2035, and the低碳铁路运输挑战这为世界铁路部门设定了2030年和2050年的雄心勃勃的能源效率目标,为城市和国家提供了切实的步骤。其他人喜欢C40干净的巴士声明, which could save up to 2.8 million tons of CO2 per year by introducing low and zero-emissions vehicles to bus fleets across 26 cities, are continuing to grow.

Energy Efficiency

57个国家包括在其INDC中建立能效目标。这Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform, established to help reach the UN Secretary General’s Sustainable Energy for All objective to double the global rate of improvement of energy efficiency by 2030, provides tools, expertise and support to address a number of energy challenges. Other initiatives can also help, such as the en.lighten initiative and the global fuel economy initiative.

Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

除了解决二氧化碳排放外,126个INDC旨在减少至少一种“短寿命气体”之一(甲烷,N20,HFC,PFC,PFC,SF6,NF3)。必威官网是真的吗这些气体中的许多实际上比二氧化碳更强大,但并未严格监测。美国和加拿大有committed jointly to strengthen regulation of methane emissions. Company-led initiatives such as the Oil & Gas Methane partnership and Refrigerants, Naturally! will also play a role in reducing emissions from short-lived climate gases.

State and Non-State: A Symbiotic Relationship

这actions of governments and non-state actors are mutually reinforcing. When national governments set climate targets or adopt new policies, they send clear signals to non-state actors. When non-state actors launch cooperative climate initiatives and set individual targets, they help provide confidence that national governments will set and meet ambitious goals. The energy of non-state actors can be channeled into countries’ future commitments, or even provide insight for the review process to determine how countries are doing in fulfilling their INDCs.

Moving forward, it will be important to continue providing opportunities like Climate Action 2016 for non-state actors to come together to advance climate action, share knowledge, gain recognition for their efforts and create new opportunities to build linkages to the implementation of countries’ NDCs. Climate change is a global problem. Solving it will require action from all levels of government, from every sector, and really, from everyone.

Note: For the purposes of this blog, the term non-state initiatives refers to all activities to address climate change by cities, regions, businesses, international organizations and national governments.