
查看our new interactive tool,《巴黎协定跟踪者》,关于WRI的CAIT气候数据资源管理器。必威官网是真的吗

下周,预计将有100多名州元首和其他高级政府官员来纽约市参加签署仪式巴黎协议adopted at COP21 last year。联合国预计仪式上的签名将超过任何其他国际协议的第一天签名,表现出对全球气候行动的压倒性政治支持。必威官网是真的吗

签名是第一个一个两步的过程为了使各国正式加入该协议 - 下一个是批准。一旦有55个关于气候变化框架框架公约(UNFCCC)至少55%的全球温室气体完成了这一过程,该协议将必威官网是真的吗“生效”,或生效并具有法律约束力。

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moonhas called forleaders to sign and ratify the Agreement as soon as possible. The momentum has already started, with a number of countries receiving approval from their parliaments to ratify ahead of the signing ceremony on April 22nd.










这United States and Chinaannounced their intentionto sign the Paris Agreement on April 22, and committed to join the Agreement this year “as early as possible.” Each country must follow its respective domestic processes before ratifying. The United States can join based on the president’s authority, but for China, the approval of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is also required.

Combined, the United States and China account for about 38 percent of global emissions, which gives a major boost to efforts to reach the threshold for entry into force. We would still need a number of relatively large emitters, such as Russia, India, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Korea or Mexico, to come on board early to meet the 55 percent emissions threshold quickly.




How Long Will it Take for the Paris Agreement to Enter into Force?

It is reasonable to think entry into force would happen in 2017, but it’s possible that a number of countries could join this year and pass the threshold for the Agreement to go into effect. But given the varying timelines for countries to complete their domestic approval processes, the timing of entry into force is uncertain.

For example, in Australia, the only requirement is formal notification and introduction of the Agreement in Parliament, whereas in Mexico, the consent of the Senate is also required. For Brazil, the approval of the National Congress is required, which means seeking approval of two separate houses of Parliament. And still other countries, such as Vietnam, apply different approval processes depending on the nature of the international agreement.


While some compare the Paris Agreement to theKyoto Protocolprocess, the previous international climate agreement, there are some important differences. Although the Kyoto Protocol followed a similar 55 Parties/55 percent of emissions approach, its threshold was based only on the二氧化碳排放发达国家。相比之下,《巴黎协定》生效的是所有国家的所有温室气体排放,因此比京都的七年来更快地采取法律效果。

巴黎协定跟踪器shows the importance all countries play in bringing this international climate agreement into full effect. April 22 represents the next step in what was started last December. All countries should sign and join the Paris Agreement as soon as they are able to send a strong signal that they’re moving toward a low-carbon, climate-resilient world.