SinceCOP21in Paris this past December, countries around the globe have committed to bring more than 85 million hectares of degraded land into restoration by 2020. In Latin America and the Caribbean, nearly 28 million hectares have been committed toInitiative 20x20自2014年12月推出以来 - 迅速超过了2000万公顷的目标。在非洲,自推出以来,有13个国家承诺了4100万公顷AFR100at COP21 – approaching half of the goal of 100 million hectares committed by 2030.




正是由于这个问题,WRI发展了The Restoration Diagnostic。The Diagnostic is a structured method for identifying which key success factors (KSFs) for restoration are already in place, which are partially in place, and which are missing within a country or landscape that has restoration opportunities. When applied prior to a restoration effort, the Diagnostic can help decision-makers and restoration supporters focus their efforts on the most important factors to get in placebefore投资大量人力,金融或政治资本。一旦进行修复工作,每隔几年定期应用一次,诊断可以帮助实施者调整和完善其政策和实践,以作为适应性管理的手段。

Learning from Real-World Examples


Through analysis of these case examples and available literature on the history of restoration, we identified a suite of KSFs that when present―either already present naturally or because people had taken steps to make them present―increase the likelihood that restoration will successfully occur. However, no case example exhibited every single KSF.


Three common themes emerged from our analysis:

  1. 明确的动机。

  2. 决策者,土地所有者和/或公民受到启发或动机,以恢复景观的森林和树木。例如,在诸如South Korea,,,,越南美国公民和政府被激励恢复森林景观,以防止土壤侵蚀,缓冲潮汐潮流并弥补木材短缺。
  3. 实现条件。

  4. A sufficient number of ecological, market, policy, social and/or institutional conditions were in place that created a favorable context for forest landscape restoration. For example, in the新英格兰region of the United States, as well as in thePanama Canal watershed,,,,ecological and social conditions were ripe due to an abundance of tree species and seeds, as well as diverse actors who came together around a common concern about potential water scarcity and watershed deforestation.
  5. Capacity and resources for sustained implementation.

  6. 存在能力和资源,并被动员起来以持续的地面实施森林景观恢复。例如,与世界银行合作Chinese governmentcreated a restoration plan that included both technical design and capacity development, and inEthiopia,世界宣明会和世界银行的生物碳基金提供了财务和技术支持,以恢复Humbo地区的本地植被。


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This in turn helps stakeholders identify which policies, practices and incentives are needed to trigger restoration at scale. For example, see a completed Diagnostic for Rwanda below.

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This tool, as well as an overview of the Restoration Diagnostic itself, will be showcased online via webinar in the coming months. Aimed to help those who will apply the Diagnostic to candidate areas for forest landscape restoration, this webinar will go into a deep dive on how to use the tool and Diagnostic, as well as leave ample time for questions and answers based on real world examples.
