This postoriginally appearedon The Hill.


This is a moral obligation for all of us. It is the scientifically sound thing to do. It is our chance to hold all countries accountable for their actions on climate change. And economically, it is as indisputable as prevention being cheaper than the cure. We cannot allow politics-as-usual to block this step forward.

Under President Obama, the United States has sent a clear message at home and abroad that it’s serious about climate action. We’ve vastly increased fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, set standards to limit carbon pollution under the Clean Power Plan, and brought China and other countries together around firm international commitments for action.

Those successes have given Obama the courage and conviction to push for a global agreement in Paris. And the rest of the world is getting on board. Already, more than180个国家,代表超过90%的全球排放,在会议之前提交了其气候行动计划,这与过去明显变化。必威官网是真的吗

We have seen major commitments from leaders in the private sector and cities to drive down their global emissions. More than 150 businesses have joinedthe American Business for Climate Action pledge. A group of countries, including the U.S., and investors, led by Bill Gates, havecommittedto add billions to clean energy R&D. More than 420 cities have joined theCompact of Mayors, which includes pledges to measure and manage their emissions.

Yet, arguments come fast and furious seeking to convince us that there is no necessity to act or worse that we should even try. In Congress, in courts, and in media reports, opponents try to divert our attention and undermine our conviction.


I’m not surprised to see the opposition ramp up. With three decades in the political world – as a congressman, governor of New Mexico and as the Secretary of Energy – I’m long familiar with how some people will fight by whatever means to get their way. Yet a close look at each argument against climate action, judged fairly, only reinforces the case to move forward:

  • On international law, the administration is negotiating an agreement that builds on existing law going back to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change that Congress批准1992年。
  • 根据联邦标准,新规定以《清洁空气法》为基础,该法案由国会签署为法律并由最高法院重申
  • On the economics,multiple studies发现采取气候行动与强劲的经济增长是必威官网是真的吗一致的。多次政府和独立分析表明,从长远来看,该计划可能会减少总体上的电费。
  • On the urgency to act: Over nearly 25 years of international efforts, the science has only becomemore clear. This year is likely to be the hottest on record. And, the impacts of climate change – severe droughts, floods, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events - are beginning to be felt in the U.S. and worldwide.

That’s why, multiple polls find thata wide majority of Americans support an international agreement,




The United States is a country that has led the world through many of its greatest challenges. We have constantly stood up for what is right and fair. It is our responsibility to do so again and lead us to a healthier, safer and more resilient future.