Mamadou Diakhiteleads work on sustainable land and water management for the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD Agency)

随着世界领导人聚集在巴黎进行气候谈判(必威官网是真的吗COP21)本周,他们正在讨论气候变化的影响以及他们计划如何对抗。必威官网是真的吗例如,非洲国家对气候变化的历史责任最少,但其社区通常受到影响最大。必威官网是真的吗必威官网是真的吗气候变化将恶化整个非洲旱地的条件,这些条件已经受到荒漠化的影响,通过增加温度,压力农作物和增加不可预测性。在非洲大陆的多达2.5亿人将livein areas of high water stress by 2030. And population growth and resource scarcity will inevitably exacerbate these conditions: 65 percent of land in Africa is already affected by degradation, and the continent loses3%由于农田的土壤和养分损失,农业GDP每年的农业GDP。

Despite these extreme circumstances, Africa is not shrinking away from climate action. In fact, many of its countries are leading.

In Paris today, a coalition of more than a dozen African countries, nine financing organizations and 10 technical partners announced a new initiative called the非洲恢复计划(AFR100),,,,with the goal of restoring 100 million hectares of degraded and deforested land in Africa by 2030. AFR100 countries have already committed to restore more than31.7 million hectaresand partners, including the World Bank, are earmarking more than $1 billion in development finance and $540 million in private sector impact investment to support these activities.

Restoration Can Yield Multiple Benefits for Africa

根据分析从WRI和国际自然保护联盟(IUCN),非洲拥有世界上最大的森林景观恢复机会 - 超过7亿公顷(17亿英亩),这是澳大利亚的规模。

Forest landscape restoration (FLR) involves increasing the density of trees across landscapes to boost productivity and ecological functionality, and its outcomes go way beyond forests. For Africa, the mostdirect benefits将是提高土壤的生育能力和粮食安全,增加获得清洁水的获取,增加生态系统服务的天然森林覆盖范围,战斗荒漠化,创造绿色工作以及增长经济增长和生计,同时为气候变化做出重大贡献必威官网是真的吗减轻。

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例如,将退化的土地恢复到mosaic landscapes通过在农场(农林业)和牧场(Silvopasture)中融合树木可以增加土壤养分和地下水的保留率,从而改善食品和水安全。

恢复也是为妇女,农村穷人和其他弱势群体提供更公平的经济利益分配的途径。许多恢复做法农民托管自然再生(FMNR), which encourages the protection of trees that grow naturally on farms, can be readily adopted by resource-poor farmers and herders. This restoration can then quickly generate benefits in terms of increased supplies of food, firewood and improved access to water, which are particularly beneficial for women because they are largely tasked with food and water harvesting.

Most importantly, many African communities are already reaping the benefits of restoration. For example, farmers in the Ethiopian region of Tigray have already恢复通过农林业和silvopasture,超过一百万公顷的退化土地。通过这样做,他们已经将农业延长到旱季,增加了粮食安全和经济机会。尼日尔和马里的农民通过保护树木和灌木自然与农作物一起生长,从而大大增加了农场树的密度。这些农场的树木增加了土壤养分,锁定水并提供阴影,这有助于提高作物产量。AFR100倡议将有助于将这些努力扩展到整个非洲大陆。

The Benefits Go Beyond Africa

Restoration and AFR100 provide an opportunity for Africa to lead on climate action and alleviate great development challenges, but the benefits will go well beyond the continent. FLR in Africa can贡献很大全球努力解决气候变化并加速实现可持续发展目标的进步。必威官网是真的吗

AFR100 also contributes to the波恩挑战这是全球恢复到2020年恢复1.5亿公顷土地的目标,以及《纽约森林宣言》,该计划在2030年之前启动3.5亿公顷的恢复计划。研究shows恢复这3.5亿公顷可能会在全球范围内通过分水岭保护,改善农作物产量和森林产品产生1700亿美元/年的净收益。


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