

1. Board Approves Initial Projects, With Conditions



Countries will also need to ensure that funding proposals embody the scale and innovation adequate to meet the planet’s pressing needs. The approved portfolio contains projects that show promise in addressing climate change and improving peoples’ lives. They seek to, for example, bring renewable energy to rural communities, scale up the use of climate information for early warning systems, increase ecosystem resilience, and manage climate-induced water shortages. The Board returned repeatedly to questions of whether the projects were sufficiently climate-focused and innovative to live up to the GCF’s mandate to “promote the paradigm shift towards low-emission and climate-resilient development pathways.” For example, questions arose as to whether infrastructure technologies proposed in Bangladesh were sufficiently innovative, or whether water projects proposed by Fiji and the Maldives adequately demonstrated a relationship to impacts from climate change. The Board approved the wetlands resilience project in Peru on the condition that its proponents gain buy-in from affected indigenous Peoples.


Strong project proposals will come from countries that have solid plans and strong institutions ready to effectively access and deploy finance to reduce the impacts of climate change. Currently, many countries still struggle to meet this goal. In order to help ensure the emergence of strong project proposals in the future, the Board created a project preparation facility last week to help national institutions from developing countries generate ambitious pipelines. The Board also approved an additional $14 million to help these institutions become ready to effectively access and utilize GCF funding (bringing the total allocation of readiness finance to $30 million).




In order to help fill some of the information gap, WRI has partnered with the GCF secretariat and the Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to develop自我评估工具对于有兴趣寻求GCF资金的机构。




In order to help ensure that those receiving finance from the GCF adhere to the GCF’s standards, the Board adopted an initial monitoring and accountability framework last week. While the GCF will need additional procedures to put the framework into practice, it is a good start in being able to monitor the impact of GCF activities. The framework sets out monitoring and reporting requirements for accredited entities and remedial measures in the case of a breach of requirements. It also includes a role for local participatory monitoring. An interesting and welcome development was the inclusion of a provision that requires assessing whether an entity’s overall portfolio is moving toward low-emission and climate-resilient development as a factor in determining reaccreditation every five years. This provision clarifies that the GCF should look at the overall funding trends of entities before deciding whether to accredit them.



