大约一年前,美国和中国laid out他们的national climate action plansfor the coming years. These were the first in what is now a substantial list of national climate action plans—plans that will form the basis ofa new international climate agreementto be finalized in Paris later this year. Now, the world’s two biggest emitters have采取下一步通过巩固他们的计划,共同宣布key actions they’ll take to achieve their national goals, and clarifying their views on the upcoming Paris agreement.

The announcement not only reveals the critical climate actions these countries will take domestically—it builds the necessary momentum to ensure that the new international climate agreement is a successful one.


新声明提供了有关中国实现该国10个月前达到其排放量的承诺的计划的重要细节,目的是提早达到顶峰。An important element is China’s announcement of a national emissions trading system, which will launch in 2017. An ETS has the potential to be a powerful instrument to reduce emissions over time, and draws on China’s experience with its seven existing city- and provincial-level carbon-trading pilots.

China has already been ramping up its climate action commitments over time, withlimits on coal use, an expansion of非化石能量, 能源效率目标措施, passenger vehiclefuel economy standards, and steps torebalance its economy远离排放密集型行业的服务。上周的公告以这些行动为基础,该国承诺针对重型车辆制定新的燃油效率标准。加速降低氢氟化合物的努力加速,有效的温室气体通常用作制冷剂;公共交通和绿色建筑的目标;以及一个“绿色调度”系统,可偏爱可再生,高效和低碳电源。

U.S. Strengthening Domestic Action

美国还重申了其全国对减少温室气体排放的承诺,到2025年,其水平低于2005年的水平26-28%official INDC submission this past March。该声明突出了许多动作the United States has recently taken要实现这一目标 - 包括最终确定清洁电源计划- 以及新的行动,它将继续前进。

在新公告中,奥巴马总统承诺在2016年最终确定提议fuel efficiency standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks,以及新的甲烷排放标准landfills天然气基础设施。该国将进一步减少其HFC排放和使用,这是建立在2015年7月的规则的基础上。政府将在2016年底之前最终确定20多个电器和设备的效率标准 - 促使该国实现了其实现previously announced goalto save a cumulative 3 billion metric tons of CO2 from standards by 2030.

Working Together for Strong Paris Agreement

The announcement is not just big news for the world’s two largest emitters, but for climate action internationally.

It demonstrates that China and the United States have found common ground on the three most critical elements of a strong agreement in Paris. Both countries recognize the need for a successful agreement that ramps up ambition over time, pointing toward a low-carbon transformation of the global economy this century, and a transparent system that will instill confidence that countries will follow-through on their commitments. It also highlighted the need to assign responsibilities according to national circumstances in order to help ensure a fair approach for both developed and developing countries. These positions will need to be clarified and deepened in the new international agreement, but the U.S.-China announcement has provided an important starting point.


Further bilateral and multilateral cooperation led by China will contribute to its role as a leader on climate change and other environmental issues. China’s commitment also sends a message to other emerging economies that they, too, can contribute significantly to climate change mitigation efforts.

Looking Ahead


As China prepares to lead the G20, it is well-positioned to set an example. The United States and China have both committed to support strong economic governance. This commitment should include a focus on strong environmental governance as well, now made more likely by the joint statement. In addition, China’s leadership of new financial institutions, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, is another avenue for China to showcase its new green commitments.

The announcement in Washington last week is a first important step in a new phase of climate action. But success will require persistence. All countries must continue to increase their climate action commitments in order to both create a robust international agreement later this year and lay the foundation for progress in the coming decades.