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在处理来自massive forest fires在过去的几周中,印度尼西亚提交了2020年后的气候行动计划,称为必威官网是真的吗Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)。在其中,世界的fifth largest emitter与商业相比,到2030年的无条件目标减少了29%的排放量,而持续不平等的情况下,温室气体(GHG)的排放量减少了29%,并减少了41%的减少。因此,印度尼西亚巩固了它的扩展自愿缓解目标并加入超过70个国家已经宣布了他们的INDC。

Last week, WRI出版印度尼西亚政府在发行的草案中,关于印尼如何改善其INDC的博客,强调了将计算出强大的透明基线的重要性,该基准将计算出降低。The final INDC took a big step forward by including a quantified baseline for projected emissions in 2030. At the same time, it removed important information such as the estimated amount of required support to reach Indonesia’s conditional target (previously stated as at least $6 billion), and it also lacks sufficient details on the modelling and assumptions of this baseline. The final INDC does not enhance the ambition of the GHG reduction target beyond 29 percent, nor does it reflect a number of建议加强目标的配方和会计。

Between now and the Paris climate talks, Indonesia can be more transparent by releasing the aforementioned information to give stakeholders even more confidence about the scale of the country's efforts. The conference in December will be a pivotal opportunity for the world’s fourth most-populous country and one of its增长最快的经济体在雄心勃勃的情况下,为一项全面的国家气候行动计划提供支持。必威官网是真的吗

印度尼西亚还可以从土地使用和能源部门提高其缓解潜力,政府报告说分别为56%和34%,,,,of total GHG emissions.


Indonesia’s climate plan includes a commitment to strengthen its efforts to mitigate land-based emissions by reducing deforestation and forest degradation, restoring ecosystem functions, as well as sustainable forest management, while highlighting the landscape approach in its implementation.


Quite contrary to the publicly accessed draft INDC which mentioned 12.7 million hectares of social forestry as a strategy to better manage the forest, the final INDC lacks a bold, quantified restoration pledge. It should be noted that recent统计数据表明该国在其森林遗产法律分区下拥有2,900万公顷(7200万英亩)的非遗产土地,为长期恢复提供了巨大的潜力。

Indeed, the country’s existing暂停政策- 没有要求对主要森林或泥炭地转换的新许可证 - 可提供巨大的缓解潜力。最近的WRI和杜克大学的分析demonstrates GHG emissions from oil palm plantation expansion in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) alone could be reduced by up to 35 percent if peatlands as well as primary and secondary forest are protected from plantation expansion. Broadening the moratorium to include secondary forests and existing concessions could help Indonesia to achieve substantial greenhouse gas reductions.


Since becoming a net-importer of petroleum in 2004, 60 percent of Indonesia’s energy supply has continued to rely on oil and gas, with renewable energy sharing only 6 percent of the national energy mix. With the country’s abundance of可再生能源选项,target在十年到23%中,这一份额应为印尼政府的优先事项。

A recent call for large investments in coal-fired power as part of the new administration’s 35,000-MW electricity program, however, suggests that the renewable energy target will continue to compete with fossil-fuel based sources in the near term.


As with all policy-making processes, the presence of a clear chain of authority and a robust plan for measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) is indispensable to ensure effective implementation and accountability. A recent change in the government’s structure has resulted in a certain degree of overlapping authority for climate change action, which could potentially hinder Indonesia from achieving its maximum mitigation potential. Moving forward, the establishment of less ambiguous decision-making and climate governance will greatly enhance Indonesia’s opportunity in achieving its reduction target. Successfully implementing this post-2020 climate plan willsignificantly有助于将变暖限制为2度C(3.6度F)的全球目标。