Kathleen Mogelgaard is a consultant and contributor to WRI'sVulnerability and Adaptation initiative

随着世界为巴黎举行的关键气必威官网是真的吗候会议今年12月,各国正在提供应对不断变化的气候的国家计划。必威官网是真的吗这些计划,称为intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs),包含有关每个国家作为新的全球气候协议的一部分准备做什么的细节。必威官网是真的吗尽管公众的重点通常是缓解措施 - 有多少国家愿意减少排放,何时及以多种程度的透明度 - 适应气候变化的影响需要相同的关注。必威官网是真的吗实际上,在利马举行的最后一轮国际气候谈判邀请政党在其INDC中进行适应。必威官网是真的吗

迄今为止,有11个国家 - 中国,埃塞俄比亚,加蓬,肯尼亚,马歇尔群岛,墨西哥,摩洛哥摩洛哥,塞尔维亚,新加坡和韩国 - 包括适应INDC。美国和欧盟已经提交了“适应计划中的承诺”,这是在INDC程序之外的正式提交,该过程也被邀请在利马决定中。这种对适应问题的关注程度预示了对巴黎谈判中适应的重点。

Flexibility, with Common Elements

Countries have a灵活性很大in the kind of adaptation information they share, and their rationales for including adaptation may differ. Some may wish to communicate advances in adaptation planning and action, highlight the vulnerability of important economic sectors or demonstrate their readiness for various forms of international support. Some may also wish to raise the general profile of adaptation action in order to encourage and support the idea of a long-term goal on adaptation in the international agreement.


  • 阐明明确的愿景或目标:Most INDCs with an adaptation component contain language about what the country hopes to achieve in adaptation. The language varies, from Morocco’s broad vision that it aims to “preserve its territory and its civilization in the most appropriate manner,” to Ethiopia’s pledge “to ensure that adaptation to climate change is fully mainstreamed into development activities,” to Mexico’s specific measurable goals that include achieving zero percent deforestation by 2030.

  • 描述当前和计划的适应措施:许多国家使用INDC来传达现有计划和活动。例如,中国描述了加速其国家气候适应战略的实施。必威官网是真的吗Gabon的INDC专注于沿海地区管理,是从其国家适应战略中得出的。尽管新加坡INDC的主要文本包含了适应性行动的细节,但附件说:“新加坡开始早期开始整合长期适应计划”,然后描述了在粮食安全,基础设施弹性,公共卫生和其他领域的努力。

  • 概述适应需求和支持:Many INDCs highlight needs for finance, technology and capacity building to achieve adaptation goals. South Korea and Mexico outline specific needs in capacity building. Morocco is explicit in its financial needs, expecting adaptation costs to rise from 9 percent of national expenditures to 15 percent, and indicating a need for international financial support. The United States and European Union describe the types of support they intend to provide to developing countries, and China indicates a commitment to strengthen ongoing cooperation with other developing countries. And while avoiding explicit mention of recouping costs, Serbia’s INDC contains a section that outlines the 5 billion Euros in loss and damage it experienced due to extreme weather from 2000-2015.

INDCs exhibit an important difference between adaptation and mitigation when it comes to support. On the mitigation side, several countries describe mitigation that can be achieved without international support and then describe additional action that can be taken with international support. So far, this kind of conditional action has not been described in the adaptation components of INDCs.


In the coming weeks, we expect to see more INDCs with adaptation components. Like the ones that have come before, we expect wide diversity in form and content.

Despite this diversity, the Lima decision mandates the UNFCCC Secretariat toassess the INDCs’ aggregate effect– a task that is clear and quantitative for mitigation, but will no doubt pose a number of conceptual challenges for adaptation, since adaptation needs and actions differ widely from place to place. That means we need a creative approach to synthesizing the adaptation information.

