This commentary on originally appeared online atDevex


In September, the United Nations is expected to agree on anew agenda aimed at eradicating poverty and advancing sustainable development. In December, climate negotiators will gather in Paris, France, to reach an agreement to accelerate the shift to a low-carbon economy and strengthen resilience to climate change.

Success this year will depend on whether or not we can develop a new model for international cooperation that is universal — including all countries — yet differentiated — recognizing differences between countries.

Twenty years ago, the development and climate communities divided countries into two groups — rich and poor — and specified who needed to do what. Today, such a binary distinction is much less relevant given the rapidly changing economic and political context.

这Solutions We Need

What we need are solutions that involve all countries but that respect the differing levels of responsibility and the capacity of individual countries to respond to these twin challenges.

U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, established in 1992, led to theKyoto Protocol以及遏制温室气体排放的发达国家之间具有约束力的目标。该协议反映了其时间的思想:它将世界分为需要削减碳污染的发达国家,并开发了没有的碳污染。从那以后,经济发展和排放概况发生了巨大变化,只有从发达国家削减的协议最终将无法防止灾难性变暖。

这个故事对于减少贫困的努力也相似。这Millennium Development Goals成立于2001年,想象着一个世界,发展中国家可以改善其最贫穷的公民的生活,而发达国家提供援助和其他支持。虽然收入贫困(每天1.25美元或以下的人数)已大大减少,并在提供基础教育和卫生服务方面取得了令人印象深刻的收益,但现在人们认识到,消除极端贫困的人需要不仅需要援助和良好的国内贫困。政策。它还将需要各个国家以及经济,社会和环境领域的更广泛的行动。



From Top-Down to Bottom-Up



Last November’s世界上最大的历史发射极,美国和目前最大的一项,中国之间的协议传达有关共同努力的重要性,同时尊重差异的重要性。

这proposed sustainable development goals reflect a similarly important shift. Unlike the MDGs, these goals and their associated targets will be universal in scope. Poverty is not confined to the developing world. Developed countries are expected to adopt the agenda and take actions to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development within their own borders, as well as ensuring that relevant policies such as those on trade, investment or migration support developing countries in tackling poverty. Finally, all countries will be expected to tackle global challenges, such as climate change, that threaten to exacerbate poverty if left unaddressed.
