A new WRI study finds that there are many “win-win” opportunities for the United States to reduce emissions and save money for consumers and businesses. Over the coming weeks, our blog series,较低的排放,更明亮的经济,将在五个关键领域评估这些机会 -发电,electricity consumption,乘用车,天然气系统和氢氟化合物(共同占美国温室气体排放的55%)。

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are a small but rapidly growing component of U.S. (and global) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These gases, commonly used for cooling in appliances or as foam-blowing agents and aerosols, are potent greenhouse gases. Some HFCs can trap thousands of times more heat than carbon dioxide (CO2).

The climate potency of HFCs are a problem because their use is rising due to the phase-out of their ozone-depleting predecessors, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), by 2030. HFC emissions are expected togrow 120 percent over current levels.幸运的是,气候友好的替代品必威官网是真的吗已经存在,其中一些替代品甚至可以为消费者创造净储蓄。


Major manufacturers like Honeywell, DuPont and Arkema are already producing alternatives to HFCs with low or zero global warming potential. They include “natural refrigerants” like CO2 and hydrocarbons, as well as synthetic alternatives with far lower greenhouse gas potency than the HFCs typically used today. Some of these alternatives also reduce the electricity demands of appliances and equipment, cutting power bills and GHG emissions. For example:

  • 可口可乐,Pepsi,Heineken,红牛本和杰里的have improved efficiency 10-40 percent through coolers utilizing low- or zero-global warming potential (GWP) HFCs.
  • At least今天的道路上有100万辆汽车全球使用低型GWP空调制冷剂,预计到2014年底,这一数字将翻一番。
  • EPA data suggests HFC emissions could be reduced by more than40%与2030年的业务相比,完全通过今天的价格为负或收支平衡的措施。

Barriers Remain, Creating Uneven Adoption of HFC Alternatives

Although converting to HFC alternatives may offer net cost savings over time, some have high upfront costs, may require equipment replacement, or may need facility and vehicle redesigns. Additionally, customers who purchase refrigeration or air conditioning equipment may not know about the climate impacts of high-GWP HFCs or the availability of alternatives. Because of these barriers, the U.S. market may not rapidly adopt zero- or low-GWP HFC alternatives without new rules or financial incentives.

Industry Has Innovated to Reduce its Environmental Impact in the Past

The fluorocarbon industry set an innovation precedent when they began phasing out ozone-depleting CFCs after the Montreal Protocol took effect in 1989. This spurred technological development and investment in a new generation of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, creatingsignificant benefitsto public health and the environment while producing lifetime savings for consumers. EPA found that globally, new products typicallydid not cost more than existing ones, and some products were actually cheaper to maintain than conventional equipment because of higher efficiencies, product quality and reliability.


Momentum is building worldwide to phase down high-GWP HFCs. More than 100 nations support the proposed北美n amendment to the Montreal Protocol与2008 - 10年级相比,到2035年将减少HFC消费85%。

Numerous HFC producers and consumers have also voiced support for a global phase-down, including the负责任的大气政策联盟, an industry coalition of about 100 manufacturers and businesses relying on HFCs. Despite this progress, the Montreal Protocol has yet to be amended because several countries still oppose lowering their HFC use.

同时,EPA通过《清洁空气法》的授权来推动采用具有成本效益的技术。EPA已经开始提供激励措施和标准,以逐步淘汰高GWP HFC在乘用车,拾音器,货车和组合拖拉机. EPA alsoproposed rules2014年7月,通过其重要的新替代政策(SNAP)计划将更高的GWP HFC推出了各种应用程序,并于上周五完成了一项规则,以批准一些低型GWP替代方案。

While EPA’s actions are a good start, the United States should continue to work toward an international phase-down of high-GWP HFC use through the Montreal Protocol. Until then, there are several other actions it can take, including:

  • EPA应在SNAP计划下最终确定其拟议的规则,以逐步淘汰高-GWP HFC的某些用途,并继续逐步逐步使用其他HFC的使用,而其他HFC存在更安全,具有成本效益的替代方案。
  • 即使EPA刚刚完成了拟议的规则以列出新的使用替代方案,但他们也应继续评估和批准在可用时进行适当的低型GWP替代方案。
  • EPA应根据《清洁空气法》针对其他制冷剂的清洁空气法,扩展空调和制冷设备的服务和处置要求to HFCs,以及增加从现有设备中捕获和回收HFC的计划,以减少生产的新HFC的数量。
  • 随着时间的流逝,EPA或国会也可以考虑实施更灵活的计划(与SNAP计划相比),以通过《清洁空气法》或通过新立法来减少高GWP HFC的排放,因为这些措施的灵活性可能会更深入地减少。一种经济有效的方式。