每年都超过1.2 million peopledie in traffic crashes worldwide, equivalent to nearly eight Boeing 747 plane crashes every day. As developing economies grow and private car ownership becomes more mainstream, the number of associated crashes and fatalities will continue to rise.

这challenge of traffic safety often flies under the radar in cities, where the social and economic challenges of accommodating growing populations take precedent. Without meaningful change, however, the World Health Organization (WHO)交通崩溃可能成为到2030年在全球早期死亡的第五个主要原因的项目。一半全球交通死亡。城市领导人必须优先考虑交通安全措施,以确保其公民拥有安全,健康且经济繁荣的城市来打电话回家。


尽管有许多因素导致交通事故,但两个主要挑战是全球城市的汽车趋势不断上升andthe issue of road equity: The most vulnerable road users, including pedestrians and cyclists, are most impacted by traffic crashes. On top of that, these users, typically lower-income, don’t always have the power or capacity to create the necessary changes.

这number of privately owned cars on the road hit the one billion mark for the first time in 2010. If we continue business-as-usual, that number will reach an estimated25亿辆汽车到2050年。所有这些新车将导致全球城市的交通拥堵增加,从而增加交通崩溃的可能性和导致死亡的可能性。

Despite these challenges, there is still time to adopt a different path for traffic safety by following the Avoid-Shift-Improve framework. We canavoid不必要的旅行以防止交通崩溃,而是创建可通往大众运输的紧凑型步行社区。我们可以转移从汽车和高质量的运输系统和主动运输模式中旅行。最后,我们可以improvetransport and urban design to maximize the safety of all trips by investing in people-oriented design strategies and sustainable transport infrastructure.


城市可以变得更安全的最好方法之一是通过公交快速运输(BRT)等可持续运输系统,现在为3100万人提供服务超过3100万人180 cities每天。BRT可以通过为移动人士而不是汽车提供可访问,高效的基础设施来使机动性更安全。例如,在墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉(Guadalajara),只有MacrobúsBRT走廊的一条车道朝一个方向行驶,每小时运送5,000名乘客。瓜达拉哈拉(Guadalajara)的正常交通车道每小时只能容纳3,194名乘客,2011年看到726起撞车事故。

全球BRT和BUS优先系统的增长为挽救生命并改善城市的健康和安全提供了机会。WRI ROSS可持续城市Embarq倡议中心的一份新报告,并得到了世界银行的认可,巴士优先系统的交通安全,表明高质量的公共交通系统可以改善交通安全,使瓜达拉哈拉和艾哈迈达巴德等城市看到的伤害和死亡人数减少了50%。该报告包含基于证据的计划和设计建议,可帮助城市为所有道路使用者提供更安全的街道。在两年内,在里约热内卢,墨西哥城和伊斯坦布尔等主要城市进行了分发和试点测试,这些建议涉及设计策略,以使公共汽车优先系统更安全,在交叉路口,转移站,行人交叉口等。

社会的, Economic and Environmental Benefits of Safer Streets


Creating safer, well-designed bus corridors can prevent pedestrian fatalities, more than half of which occur on bus corridors with limited pedestrian protections in place. Additionally, the typical Latin American BRT system has been shown to provide numerous economic benefits to cities, of which safety impacts account for between 10 and 16 percent through a reduced burden on the healthcare system.


巴士优先系统的交通安全 report is made possible by funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies