Communities across the world continue to experience weather-induced food shortages due to drought, floods, devastating wildfires, and other climate change impacts. These populations—particularly those in rural, developing regions—will require tools and significant investment to protect themselves and their livelihoods from a warming world.

This week, the Board of the绿色气候基金必威官网是真的吗(GCF)- 一种机制,旨在传达从发达国家到发展中国家数十亿美元的金融,以应对气候变化及其影响 -必威官网是真的吗正在开会除其他主题外,GCF将如何通过各种财务投入和工具获得和赚钱。

TheAfrican Risk Capacity (ARC)provides an innovative and unique financing model that the GCF can both emulate and leverage to protect vulnerable communities. The new, African-owned institution—the first of its kind on the continent and only the second in the world—aims to channel investment into adaptation activities to safeguard communities from drought and other climate change-induced impacts.

我们与ARC总干事理查德·威尔科克斯(Richard Wilcox)博士进行了交谈,讨论了该机构,其潜在影响以及它在吸引和分配国际气候金融方面所起的作用。必威官网是真的吗这就是他不得不说的:



TheAfrican Union (AU)created the ARC to enable governments to better protect food-insecure populations on the continent. More specifically, ARC is a ground-breaking extreme weather insurance mechanism that aims to use modern financial instruments to help AU member states mitigate and recover from the ravages of drought. Given projected increases in global temperatures — which are likely to give rise to longer, more intense droughts and greater weather variability across parts of sub-Saharan Africa — the risks facing agriculture-dependent households are more pressing than ever.

What need will the ARC fill and how will it work?

ARC is an African solution to one of the continent’s most pressing challenges. It transfers some of the burden of climate risk away from governments—and the farmers and pastoralists whom they protect — to the ARC, which can handle that risk much better. For many countries on the continent, the ARC provides access for the first time to a modern financial risk management tool tailored to the African context.

这个非洲拥有的,由AU领导的金融实体将使用先进的卫星天气监视和软件计划Africa RiskView- 由联合国世界粮食计划- 估计并触发容易获得的资金,以遭受严重干旱袭击的非洲国家。因为我们专注于粮食安全,所以我们将使用Africa RiskView为了确保非洲的七个降雨/农业季节,从收获开始和结束。


The ARC Agency Governing Board, Chaired by Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance for Nigeria, formally approved the drought contingency plans of the following six countries: Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, and Senegal, allowing them to purchase coverage for seasons beginning in 2014.



Droughts significantly threaten record GDP growth in sub-Saharan Africa. To give an idea of the magnitude,according to a cost benefit analysis (CBA)commissioned last year, a 1-in-10-year drought event would reduce Malawi’s annual GDP by an estimated 4 percent. You can imagine substantially larger impacts for 1-in-15 and 1-in-25 year events. Such decreased productivity not only detracts from economic growth, but also diverts public resources from other priorities, erodes development gains and resilience, and requires additional emergency aid from the international community in the future.

这些不利的宏观影响以毁灭性的方式在家庭层面上表现出来,尤其是在对雨水养殖农业和/或牧场高度依赖的社区中。干旱后,这些家庭经常遭受粮食消费,牲畜死亡和减少收入的减少。CBA估计及早行动的经济利益,从而保护家庭的经济增长潜力 - 可以防止每个家庭的损失高达1,300美元。这没什么大不了的。

In total, we estimate that $1 spent on early intervention through ARC—i.e. scaling up national, regional, and local social safety net programmes in the first three months after a drought—can save as much as $3.50 spent after a crisis unfolds and households have taken negative coping actions.

Those cost savings sound significant, but is insurance really the right tool to address climate change?


支持长期韧性和粮食安全的农业部门的投资和降低风险活动,例如社会保护计划,灌溉计划或农业投入和农业投入和技术,以减少对可预测降雨的依赖 - 可以解决慢性气候风险必威官网是真的吗可预测的持续协助。这些资金可以支持贫穷和脆弱的家庭建立资产和生计,这反过来又有助于他们在没有外部援助的情况下发展弹性,以应对轻度的冲击。然后,风险管理对保护这些投资至关重要。为了保护所获得的弹性,各国需要确保未来的震惊(轻度或严重)不会侵蚀其收益,并且陷入贫困或耗尽资产的家庭数量不会增长。


How can international mechanisms like the climate funds play a role?

