超过4亿of its 1.2 billion citizenswithout access对于电力,印度需要广泛的能源开发。一项新的计划旨在确保这种新力量的很大一部分以可再生能源的形式出现。

The Green Power Market Development Group

今天,Wri和Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)launched the Green Power Market Development Group (GPMDG) in Bangalore, India. The group will help boost the country’s use of renewable energy like wind and solar power.

公私伙伴关系汇集了行业,政府和非政府组织,为印度可再生能源市场建立关键的支持。对于初学者来说,该集团将将潜在的工业和商业可再生能源购买者与供应商联系起来。属于各个部门的十几家主要公司Infosys,ACC,认知,,,,IBM,,,,wipro以及其他人 - 已经加入了该计划,并致力于探索增加对可再生能源使用的选择。


5 Reasons India Needs a Green Power Purchasing Group

Currently, 400 million of India’s citizens lack access to electricity. And, asthis past summer’s blackouts显而易见,即使那些确实可以访问的人也不一定有可靠的access. Industries suffer from an unreliable power supply and supplement their grid-based electricity with unsustainable and expensive diesel generators.



  1. 建筑需求。Many innovative financing and contracting methods for renewable energy are being developed in India, but are yet to be widely used. By creating a “pipeline of demand” from companies who are committed to increasing their use of renewables, the GPMDG can actively demonstrate new approaches to the market.

  2. 扩展新型号。GPMDG将通过测试可再生能源的新合同方法分享“经验教训”,以使这些做法在整个印度(及其他地区)中得到广泛复制。该小组还将促进买家之间的信息共享,从而使他们的购买惯例有更多明智的决策。

  3. 为买卖双方创建一个平台。通过GPMDG,可再生能源开发商可以立即与更大的承诺工业群体互动,有助于降低交易成本并为各方提供利益。

  4. 改善监管景观。Through its experiences, the GPMDG can provide electricity regulators with important, road-tested insights into how the regulatory landscape can be improved to enable greater consumption of可再生能源

  5. 促进清洁剂,竞争性的能源。GPMDG的活动可以帮助刺激更多可再生能源项目,从而允许印度的电力差距充满清洁,有竞争力的电力。


India’s GPMDG is based on a similar program that WRI successfully led in the United States in recent years. The U.S. GPMDG helped bring more than 15 leading companies together to support more than 1,000 MW of renewable energy projects—an amount of power equivalent to that of one large, coal-fired power plant.

WRI and CII hope the GPMDG India will demonstrate at least two new contracting approaches for renewable energy over the next year, showing how renewable energy can be attractive for commercial and industrial companies.
